Chapter 15 - Taking over

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I (yet again) have no idea what to write, so yolo.



Wilbur's body felt weak. Head heavy and body aching. He wanted to sleep, perhaps forever. 

But he didn't. Instead, his body moved involuntary, standing up. His vision went black for a few seconds, taking a hold of the desk for support.

He slowly, being interrupted by a few stumbles, made his way outside of his bedroom, ending up in front of Phil's.

Wilbur stood frozen in front of his door. He felt dizzy and leaned from side to side, forcing himself to try and stay awake. His hand rose, stopping before it made contact with the wood.

"Mate?" Wilbur whipped around, dark spots appearing all over. "What's wrong?" Phil approached him.

Wilbur's whole body was shaking. "I- I don't feel so good, Phil..." he spoke to his best ability. Phil took one last step, catching the boy as he lost his balance. 

The older picked up his son and carried him to his bed before picking up his phone. He called for help, being informed that an ambulance was on its way. He then went over to Techno's room. He knocked and waited for an answer, but after he got none, he opened the door. 

Techno was sat at his desk, LED-lights a calming pink. He was playing Minecraft, mining away in a cave. Phil placed his hand on the others shoulder making him jump in surprise.

Techno sighed. "Yes dad, I'll get to bed soon." he muttered. But his face quickly turned to one of concern as he saw his father's teary eyes.

"Techno, Wilbur will be going to the hospital. I'm guessing his eating disorder got to him. There's an ambulance on the way." Techno's face went pale. "Would you like to come with? I know it's a school night, I'll call you in sick if you'd like." 

The younger nodded his head, of course he wanted to come with his brother.

Phil left as there was a knock on the front door. Techno quickly quit the game and went into Phil's room where Wilbur laid, sitting on the bed next to him while holding his hand. It was as cold as ice. There was talking downstairs before footsteps made their way upstairs.

"Tech, son, you need to let go of Wilbur." Techno looked up at his dad, eyes resembling a sad puppy trying to get their owner to stay home.

But he let go, a pouty frown forming. "I know mate, I know. C'mon, let's get to the car." Techno stood up and followed his father.

Silence filled the car as they made their way to the hospital. Guilt flowed through Phil's body, his mind constantly chanting 'what ifs' and 'if I'd only'. Of course he blamed himself for not doing more. Wilbur had been with them for a month now, of course he couldn't survive that long with barely any food.

But he didn't want to push him, he knew he had to, but seeing his son in such distress hurt him physically. 

Techno didn't feel guilty, but fear lingered in his body. Wilbur always told him he ate a few snacks and sometimes got a few pieces of Techno's food. Was that not enough or did he get rid of it?

They found a parking slot before making their way inside. Phil approached the nurse at the desk.

"Hi, I'm Phil Watson, my son Techno Watson and we're here for William Gold." he spoke, distress clear in his voice. The woman sent him a pitiful gaze. "Right, you can wait in that corridor over there. You will be called in when he's stable enough."

Phil nodded, offering a sad smile. The pair sat down in the corridor, waiting anxiously for someone to say something, give them anything. 

Techno was awoken by Phil; he didn't remember falling asleep though. 

"Sorry mate. We're allowed to go inside now." Phil said, voice soft but weak from crying. Techno shot up from his seat and together with his father he stepped inside.

The scene was heart-breaking. Wilbur laid asleep on the hospital bed. Face pale and sunken in, hair messy and dirty. It all felt too real, the picture in front of them yelling at them for not doing enough.

They sat down beside him, waiting patiently for a sign of life from the boy.

Sorry this sucks cock, but I really didn't know how to do this one. Next will be better.

- Bread

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