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We've come to the end of this book. It's been a journey, we've had our ups and downs. I'm very thankful for everyone who read this, but a special thanks goes to Bliss and Bee. Those two have been very active readers and commenters and helped me keep my motivation up.

Now, enjoy this epilogue, before we say goodbye.

It's been a little over 15 months since Wilbur and Phil met, perhaps it was the worlds way of apologizing. But even more important, it had now been exactly a year since Wilbur was officially adopted by Phil.

They celebrated this. The three family members sat together, though it was not only them. Kristin laid by Phil's side. They were holding hands and smiling at each other. The two brothers grinned; they had finally got the adults to admit their feelings.

Techno had instantly gotten close to her, though she had been a mother to him long before. Wilbur needed a bit more time, and still struggled to get close.

Speaking of, he had now been eighth months clean. That also included four relapses, the first one was of two days clean, the second one was one week, the third and fourth after a month each.

It had been a hell of a ride, anger, fighting, guilt and sadness. Sure, he still struggled with urges, but at the end of the day it was all worth it.

His eating had also gotten better, he was eating three meals a day with at least one snack. But he was still struggling with his body image. Kristin had helped him a lot with that as she had struggled with that herself, but eventually grew to love her body.

Sometimes he had really bad episodes, including nightmares or just fear.

He had once dropped a glass, it played out like this:

He watched in horror as the glass fell from its position on the table, body frozen in fear as he waited for the loud crash.

With a hitched breath he crouched down, hurriedly picking up the pieces from the floor. He ignored the sharp pain in his palms.

Worried footsteps pounded upstairs and down the stairs. This only caused more fear in the boy as he thought about the consequences.

He had done it, he had finally fucked up to the point where they would switch. Him and Kristin were home alone, and though he trusted that Phil would never hurt him he was unsure about the woman. And Phil loved her, so surely, he would be on her side.

The raven haired approached him, and upon seeing her son's bloodied hands she ran over to him. "Oh, sweet boy, your hands!" she gasped. She took a light grasp on his hands, wanting to look over the damage.

He looked up at her, face pale. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, please don't hurt me..." he begged. Wilbur tried pulling his hands away, but the woman who was too busy with the cuts didn't notice.

He made a rough attempt at pulling away, but Kristin was way out of her senses to realise what was happening. In her world he was hurting and tried to pull away from her getting the glass pieces out, but in reality, he was scared shitless.

"Wilbur, hold still." she ordered. The other did so, but sobs racked through his body. He was zoning out, slowly but surely going into a state of derealization. He felt as though everything around him was distant and unreal, the only clear thing being Kristin's harsh grip on his wrists.

"P-please! I'm sorry, it won't happen again! Let go, I- you're hurting me!" he shouted. She looked up at him, regret in her face. She realised her mistake and let go.

As expected he pushed himself backwards and didn't stop until his back hit the wall. "I'm sorry, PLEASE!" Wilbur shrieked.

Kristin approached him cautiously. "Hey, I won't hurt you. Can you look at me?"

Wilbur glanced up at her. "Good job. I would never hurt you, okay? I was so caught up in getting the glass out that I didn't notice." she explained, and Wilbur nodded. 

That night Techno and Phil had come home to Kristin watching a movie with a sleeping Wilbur in her arms. That was the first time he had ever called her 'mom'.

As the sun began to set Wilbur pulled out his phone, took a picture and sent it to Schlatt. His friend had been grounded after his parents found out about the smoking, but Wilbur was always welcome no matter what.

Schlatt answered the picture with an emoji showing the middle finger, and Wilbur laughed at the action.

A slight breeze made him feel safe, and maybe, just maybe, things would be okay for a while.

Thank you all for reading! I'll be forever grateful of every single one of you. Now, I hope you're not too sad about this book ending and that it wasn't too bad in the end.

Take care of yourselves, and goodbye.

 For now.

- Bread

Escape - Wilbur angst

By: breadsticksarelife

Started 15/1 - 23, finished 30/3 - 23

verb: break free from confinement or control

Escape - Wilbur angstWhere stories live. Discover now