Chapter 33 - Getting somewhere

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Mentions selfharm, addiction, gore, alcohol, suicide

Nothing happens, just mentions.

"So Techno, would you like to tell me why we're here?"

The one spoken to was currently suspiciously glancing around the room, eyes darting from side to side anxiously.

"Okay, I see. Phil told me your meds haven't been working, and that what you're experiencing has changed, correct?" Miss. Bruqo asked. She was the best psychologist that Techno had ever had; understanding and caring yet never taking anyone's side when it comes to an argument. 

There was no special treatment for him just because he was her patient; if the other person was right, then so be it.

Techno nodded.

"He told me a little what had happened, but not much detail. Would you be able to tell me?"

There was another nod.

"Before it was y'know... my parents, voices urging me on to do things or telling me things. Sometimes just gory distortions like faces falling apart and stuff like that." he began.

Miss Bruqo, also known as Sophia, listened intently, brain focused on nothing other than the ongoing situation.

"And recently they just- stopped talking. Instead it's just... tall, misshaped and fucked up creatures. Sometimes lurking behind something or in the corner of the room, and sometimes sort of 'bubbling out' of people's heads, tables, pillow, etc."

She nodded before writing something down on her computer.

"How have you been feeling recently? I understand that this is taking a toll on you, but apart from that."

Techno shrugged. "Nothing? I don't know, really. No motivation for school, I don't see a point in trying, not even my grades. I can't identify my feelings, no idea if I'm sad, happy or numb. It's nothing yet everything. I can feel anger, way too much of it. I'm lashing out, getting pissed at everything."

"Okay, and how to you handle and express this anger?"

Techno looked up at Sophia. She looked at him, her expression slowly turning to one of entertainment.

"I uh... I don't. Don't want to scare Wilbur or lose control." he explained. Sophia nodded in understanding.

"That's fair, though I do think it would be good for you to let out some pressure. Do you have any sports or hobbies that can help?"

There was a shrug from the other. "I do like carving on wood with my knives."

Sophia nodded and wrote something down.

"Alright, I think we have a plan then. I'll up your dosage, you'll get the prescription at the end of mine and William's session, and whenever you feel angry you can carve. It also helps to talk with someone." 

When Techno didn't say anything, Sophia continued. "Is that all?"

"Yeah. Should I call in Will or will you get him yourself?" Techno asked while standing up. He walked over to the door and turned around.

"That would be nice. And hey? Take care of yourself." Sophia said. There was a smile on her face, you could tell she genuinely cared.

Techno returned the smile and exited the room.

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