Chapter 19 - Not Sally, but Simone

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They arrived at the mall, the last tunes of Memento Mori quieting down. The pair got out and walked towards the building, anxiety filling Wilbur once again.

"You okay?" Phil asked, getting a nod in response. 

As they entered the building loud voices and low-quality music filled their ears, overwhelming the brunette. They continued walking before Wilbur stopped outside of a shop. He looked back at Phil who was smiling as he realised what shop they were close to.

Wilbur walked up to one of the guitars. It was a pretty light brown with a few darker details. He let his hand follow the strings until he reached the body.

"You can pick it up if you'd like. It's not tuned though." the man behind the counter said. Wilbur flinched at the sudden noise but smiled in appreciation.

He picked it up, holding in his arms as he took in the sensation. Finally he had his guitar back, it was just like Sally.

He felt content and happy, finally at peace with himself and his surroundings. There was nothing and no one else in this world, just him and... Simone. 

Yes, that's what he would call it - Simone.

He was brought back to earth by Phil's voice. "It seems like a perfect fit, mate. If you want it, it's yours." he said with a smile.

Wilbur looked up at Phil, eyes gleaming like a small child in a candy shop who had just been told to take as much as he'd like.

"Yes, yes please. I love it." he spoke, voice soft with passion and love. Phil's smile grew even bigger.

"Then that one it is, come one." Wilbur followed the older to the counter.

"Good pick, it's a nice guitar." the man spoke. Wilbur nodded in agreement. The man smirked. "Now, speaking of picks, would you like to buy one?" he asked.

Wilbur giggled and rolled his eyes. What a stupid joke. "Thanks, but I've already got one. Saved it from my last guitar." he smiled at the memory.

The man nodded. "Right, that'll be £257." Wilbur's eyes widened and he glanced nervously at Phil who just pulled out his card and paid.

They exchanged their thank yous and then the pair left and went back to the car, Wilbur holding his guitar lovingly.

As they were driving back Phil spoke up. "You mentioned a past guitar. What happened to it?" Wilbur froze as the memories came flooding back.

He was playing softly in his room, enjoying the quiet tunes it created. His father came stumbling in, tearing the guitar out of his son's grasp. "Stop being so fucking loud!" he slurred. Wilbur tried to protest, not wanting his father near his beloved guitar. 

Before he knew it a sharp pain hit his arm, forcing him down from his bed. He laid helplessly on the floor; arms put up in self-defence.

He saw the man raise the instrument above his head before it came crashing down across Wilbur's ribcage making him cry out as the guitar broke. It continued like this, bruises forming from the impact and splinters digging into his skin.

All that was left from his dearest friend was nothing more than shredded wood.

He zoned back in as Phil looked at him with concern, repeating his name. He didn't remember when he started to shake, when his breathing got louder or when he had begun hugging the guitar close.

"You okay? Want to talk about it?" Phil asked. Wilbur shook his head, wiping away the tears that threatened to fall.

"Alright, if you ever change your mind I'm here okay?" Phil assured. Wilbur silently nodded. He would rather forget if anything.

They stopped outside of the house, Wilbur hurriedly entering and running upstairs. He sat Simone down in one of the corners, admiring the shiny wood.

A bit shorter, but musicbur is back!

Hope everyone is enjoying themselves so far :))

- Bread

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