Chapter 9 - Justice

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Hello! Keep in mind that I am not educated in trials and the court, this is all a mix of what I've been taught in school, movies and true crime. 

I am also aware of Wilbur's full name, but it will not be used as he has stated that he does not want us to dig into his personal life.


Mentions of abuse

Wilbur was sat in the courtroom with Phil besides him. He was shaking as his eyes were seemingly forced to remain eye contact with his father. He was staring him down, making his son's skin crawl and heart race.

Phil noticed and glared back at the disgusting man with pure hatred, who just smiled back in malice. 

"So Mr. Sebastian Ethan Gold, you have been called to this court because of the abuse of your son William Gold. When he was in the hospital, he had a stab wound, multiple scars and bruises. William was also severely skinny and lacked nutrition. Do you have anything to say in your defence?"

Wilbur's father just laughed. "Well, obviously there's no way getting out of this one, the fucker just had to be a whiny bitch" he sent daggers through his eyes when he turned to Wilbur, who flinched. "So yeah, I did all those things. He deserved it."

Wilbur couldn't take it anymore. He just zoned out, didn't even listen to what anyone was talking about. Wilbur didn't even react when Phil put his hand on his shoulder, trying to grab his attention.

"-illiam, WILLIAM" Wilbur jolted awake as his father screamed. The judge said something along the lines of 'sir, be quiet' as Wilbur was frozen in fear, he could practically feel all of the hits he'd been taking. Wilbur was crying, silently of course, he had learned that if he cried loudly, it would only agitate his father more.

He dried his tears as the judge spoke up. "There has been a lot of discussion about who will take custody of William, who has no relatives in the picture. Mr. Phil Watson, you have requested this position, and after looking back at your adoption of Techno Nelson we have decided that you would be suitable for this."

Phil smiled. "Thank you, your honour." The judge went on to explain the process and what would come with it. A check up after a month to see how the child is doing, and other things like that.

Wilbur could only keep staring at his father, who was staring back, wickedly enjoying the effect he had on the younger. Because he knew, he knew that no matter how well his son carried on, he would always be scared of him, a deep burning fear that will ignite into uncontrollable fire the moment something reminds him of his past.

"William Gold, do you consent to having Phil Watson as your legal guardian, presuming that all goes well, until the day you turn eighteen?" Wilbur took a deep breath. With a smile he nodded, "Yes, your honour".

The last words were spoken and actions taken before Wilbur's father was led out of the room. Eventually everyone had left and the two who could now call each other family, was on their way home. Wilbur was quiet, but had a permanent smile on his face. So did Phil.

HALLOO! Shorter yet again, and I'm sorry if this is incredibly unrealistic and such, but as stated before, the only knowledge I have of this is from school, movies and true crime.

- Bread

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