Chapter 17 - First try

389 17 17

Angst, yummy



Wilbur sat at the table. He was staring down at a piece of toast, salty butter laying softly all over. It stared at him, silently mocking. He was weak, he knew that. He was weak, couldn't even keep up his habits.

"Hey, Wilbur? You still with me?" Phil asked. Wilbur nodded slightly, eyes not leaving the plate. "Listen, I know it's hard. But please, try three bites." He spoke softly.

Wilbur picked up the piece of bread, bringing it up to his mouth. He opened his mouth preparing to bite down when a sob broke the silence. He dropped the toast, placing his head in his hands.

"I- can't do it!" he cried. Phil tore the toast up in four smaller pieces. 

"It's smaller now. Can you try eating one of the pieces?" Phil tried. Wilbur looked up, glaring at Phil before picking up a piece. He once again brought it into his mouth. Still crying, but newfound strength made him bite down and rip a piece off.

He chewed slowly, butter flowing into his mouth. He closed his eyes, swallowing the piece of bread as if it was a ball of spikes. Wilbur looked up at Phil, looking for confirmation. Phil nodded and smiled, encouraging Wilbur to take another bite.

One quarter of the full bread was now done. "Do you think you can manage another one?" Phil asked. The other shook his head, no, he wouldn't. Phil sighed, he knew it was progress, but still.

"That's completely okay. I'm so proud of you son." he smiled. Wilbur looked at him wide eyed. Son? A smile formed across his face, and he practically jumped into the other's arms, sighing contently as he was engulfed in the fatherly warmth.

Wilbur pulled away, clearing his throat. "Can I- can I be excused..?" he asked. It felt bad 'lying' to Phil, but it had to be done.

"No, Wilbur." Phil replied sternly, making the younger flinch. "I can't leave you alone right now, how about we watch a movie?" Wilbur stared at him in disbelief, scoffing as he stood up. He walked up the stairs, ignoring Phil's shouts. He reached for the bathroom door before a firm hand was placed on his shoulder.

Wilbur gulped as the monotone voice spoke up. "Will, don't even try." he turned around, Techno standing there with a face clear of emotions, but his eyes showing a hint of sympathy and worry. 

"Why don't you come in my room? We can... talk." he offered. Wilbur thought for a second. He knew he could trust Techno, so why did the fear build up?

His fight or flight response was slowly creeping up on him, mind going blank as anxiety drowned everything else. He slapped Techno's hand away and backed up against the door. "G- you- get away f-from me!" he yelled. 

Techno stepped back in shock. Wilbur took his opportunity to run past him and fled into his room, sliding under the bed and holding his breath.

"YOU GET BACK HERE YOU FUCKER!" the rough voice rang through the house.

Wilbur yelped in fear as he searched for a place to hide. His bed caught his eye, perfect. He crawled under it, quickly pressing himself against the wall and covering his mouth.

He tried to muffle his sobs to his best ability as he heard his door swing open and then slam shut.

His father laughed. "Well, I wonder where he could be hiding..." heavy footsteps approached the bed and Wilbur knew he was screwed. He was his father's legs stand in front of the bed before kneeling. 

Staring back at Wilbur was his father with a manic smile. "Gotcha."

He grabbed a hold of his son's foot, dragging him as the younger tried to grab onto whatever they passed. Wilbur was pulled into the living room where his mother sat, tears rolling down her cheeks.

They were fake, of course. It was all a long process of guilt tripping and ruining the child.

Wilbur looked up at his mother, guilt clear on his face.

"How dare you make your mother cry?" his father yelled, slapping the boy across his face.

Wilbur whimpered. "I- I didn't m-mean to..." he whispered.

"Well you fucking did." the man spat through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry..."


"I'm sorry!"

"Wilbur look at me, they're not here. No one is going to hurt you."

"I'm so sorry..."

"Little one, look at me..."

The voice was soft, not anything like his father's. Who was that? He recognized it, blue eyes and blonde hair flashing by. Wilbur blinked a few times, Phil on the other side of, looking back at him with a soft smile.

"There you go mate, good job." Phil moved to the side, a silent que for Wilbur to come out. He quickly sat on top of his bed, sinking into the corner. 

He looked to the door, seeing Techno standing in the doorframe, hand slightly red.

"I'm sorry." Wilbur sobbed.

"It's okay, I shouldn't have cornered you or touched you without permission." Techno cooed. Wilbur nodded, burying his face in his knees. 

He was shaking, from adrenaline perhaps or maybe fear of what would happen next. "Could I have some time to myself in my room?" he asked. Phil and Techno looked at each other before exiting the room.

Wilbur let out a sob, crying freely. Both people outside the room wanted to go back in and comfort him, but boundaries were important. 

He felt pathetic, guilt and shame washing over him. He hated his father for all the mental and physical abuse he put him through. He hated his mother for making him a people pleaser and manipulating him. And he hated himself because, well, he was himself. 

He loved Techno as a brother, he trusted him more than anyone. So why did he fear him? He would never hurt him, right? So why did he still flinch at every touch and didn't have enough courage to be alone with him?

Phil was also nice, but could he really trust him? What if he was different when they were alone? Techno was going back to school tomorrow, and Wilbur wasn't allowed to go with him.

Would Phil beat him? Would he shove food down his throat and then mock him? Wilbur didn't know, and didn't want to find out either.

Was this too much or no? Hope you enjoyed anyway!

- Bread

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