Chapter 21 - I never meant to scare you

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I'm sorry the schedule has been fucked, but I frogot february only had 28 days and so it fucked with my brain and I lost all motivation. But that also means only six days before the next five chapters!


PTSD, mentions of ED

A knock on the door woke Wilbur up. He pressed himself against the wall, still hiding under the bed.

"Mate? Dinner's ready..." Phil informed. His voice was soft, almost as if he was comforting a stray puppy. Wilbur slowly pushed himself out and up, body hurting from falling asleep on the floor. Phil had not yet left, staring at the boy with pity.

"Are you okay?" he asked. Wilbur shrugged. Truth is he was doing shitty, but he couldn't say that. They walked downstairs; a tired Techno sat at the table.

Wilbur gulped; this would be scary. He sat down looking at the dinner. Chicken and potatoes. That would be relatively easy. 

He put up a small piece of chicken on his plate as well as two potatoes, completely ignoring the bearnaise being offered. 

His fork was lifted as he began poking around at the plate. He noticed Techno looking at it, making his mind rush.

'It makes him happy when I eat, maybe he won't hurt me if I do.' he thought, a grimace making its way across his face as he did. 'Techno wouldn't hurt me! The time with Phil it was just self-defence! But... he was so close to hurting me before..."

The thought's made him feel guilty, yet they made him eat as anxiety filled him. If he could satisfy Techno, then he would. Techno slightly stood up as he wanted more food. The action made Wilbur's eyes shoot up as he flinched back.

Techno looked back at him with hatred, but not for his brother, no, hatred for himself. That he scared the other to the point where he had no feeling of safety anymore.

Wilbur finished his food before standing up to head upstairs. "Wilbur, you've got to be down here a little longer mate." Phil reminded making Wilbur's breath hitch. He really didn't want to be there anymore.

"You can stay in the living room if you'd like. You're just not allowed to go out of sight, okay?"

With a sigh he went and laid down on the sofa, curling in on himself. He quickly fell asleep, only to be haunted by his dreams instead.

He quietly entered the house, trying not to make too much noise. "There he is, the worthless piece of trash." his father grinned, his mother behind him holding up an eaten apple. 

"Now sweetie, neither me or your father ate this apple, so then who could it be?" his mother taunted. He knew he should've finished it all and not thrown it away. 

He quickly expressed his apologies, but his parents were having none of it. He was backed into a corner, sliding down so that he could curl up in a ball.

"Now, don't be so scared, no one is going to hurt you." his mother's soft voice said. He looked up to see his father put his hand out and he grasped it, being pulled up. He was shocked, but happy.

His father still held his hand as he smiled at his son. Wilbur smiled, he finally felt loved. 

But his father's soft smile soon turned into a grin making Wilbur's face go pale. He knew that face, the face of victory.

He was suddenly spun around and thrown into the wall, black spotting his vision. His father laughed as he kicked his son in the stomach.

"Maybe that'll teach you to not eat, fatso!" he yelled.

Wilbur woke up in cold sweat with tears running down his face, whole body shaking with Phil and Techno sitting in front of him. He felt pressure on his hand and looked down to see Techno grasping it.

His face turned to one of panic as he pulled his hand away and sat up. "Wilbur, son, no one's going to hurt you." Phil said causing the other to look away. 

He had just heard those words, except that they came from his mother. Yeah, that's the difference. His mother was a bad person, these two weren't.

"I know." his voice was barely a whisper. Phil smiled, but it was a sad one.

"Good, that's amazing. What would you like to do? Be upstairs or downstairs? Alone or with someone?" 

He was getting overwhelmed, feeling trapped in his body. A whimper left his mouth, a silent plead for them to leave him alone. He felt his voice being stolen again, no longer being able to communicate his needs.

He looked at Phil for help, hoping that he'd understand. And to his relief - he did.

"Ah, that's okay mate. You seem to like the fingers, so we'll try that. Upstairs or downstairs?" he began. Wilbur held one finger up. "Great job, alone or with someone?"

Wilbur thought for a minute before looking at Techno. He held up two fingers. His brother smiled.

"Then let's go upstairs. You or me first?" Techno asked. Wilbur stood up but made no effort to move, so Techno walked ahead.

They're all good again.

This kinda sucked.

- Bread

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