Chapter 25 - Friends

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I'm sorry if anything in this is wrong, I don't speak French, I'm taking German. Feel free to correct me!

Everything in this is non-romantic, there will be no ships in this book, as this is against boundaries :) 

Very much conversation in this.


Implied underage smoking

Monday rolled around way too quickly, and suddenly Wilbur was sat in French class.

He was quite good at it, not the best, but still good. He understood most of it and could speak a fair bit, writing and reading was no problem. It interested him, and he often found himself learning new words outside of school. But as his new teacher was looking at him with interest, he couldn't help but feel like a prey.

He was constantly eyeing him, seemingly longing for him to reach his hand up and answer the questions. But he didn't. Anxiety had stolen his voice once again, and he found himself unable to move or speak.

A boy in the back raised his hand.

"Uh, sir? Our lesson is over in like- two minutes."

The teacher looked up at him, a playful smile on his face. He then turned to the rest of the class.

"Should I be evil or not?" he asked. Boos were heard from the students. Because even if it would be fun to hear the other figure it out in French it would take too much time.

"Alright, pack up and then stand behind your chairs please." he said.

Everyone did as they were told, eventually being let outside.

"William?" the teacher spoke.

Wilbur froze and stayed still inside the classroom.

"I noticed you were silent today. Just wondering if you have a hard time with French or if it was anxiety?" 

The younger smiled softly. 

"Juste de l'anxiété, monsieur." 

Mr. Ramos raised an eyebrow. 

"Tu es très talentueux William." he smiled.

Wilbur nodded in appreciation, a grin covering his face. He turned around and walked outside, happy with his new-found talent. He noticed someone walking beside him and he looked up to see a familiar male.

"I have never seen someone look so happy walking out of a classroom after speaking with a teacher." he spoke, the constant undertone of annoyance being there.

Wilbur just shrugged in response, making the other look down at him.

"Really? You're going to leave me hanging like that?" he scoffed, though the joke was clear.

Wilbur giggled. "Yup, exactly."

"Cock blocker." Schlatt mumbled making Wilbur laugh out loud.

"Gatecrasher." he retorted.

"There's rumours about you, you know." Schlatt began making Wilbur look up at him.

"Nothing bad, just that you're Techno's brother."

Wilbur took a deep breath. "And why does that matter?" he grew defensive.

"No one knew he had a brother. Apparently you have different last names. Gold, no?"

Wilbur rolled his eyes, cursing under his breath. "Yeah, so what? It's a long story, might tell you one day or I might not."

Schlatt nodded and remained silent. Techno was right, if you were clear with your boundaries people would be chill.

"So, what does your class have next?"

Wilbur thought for a moment. "It's like a fifteen-minute break then maths I think." 

Schlatt groaned. "Poor you, the teacher is a pain in the ass."

"What are they like?"

Schlatt laughed. "He's a fucking moron. The names Mr. Jones by the way. He speaks quickly - which is nice, but he always sounds stressed. Speaks loudly from time to time, can raise his voice whenever."

Wilbur's anxiety grew. How would he manage a whole class with a man screaming all the time? His nervousness must've been evident because Schlatt led him outside.

"You okay? You got all shaky all of a sudden." his voice was softer now, almost quiet.

Wilbur nodded. "Yeah, sorry. I'm just- not that good with yelling."

Schlatt's face gleamed with sympathy. "I'm sorry man. If you ever need a break, just say you have to go to the bathroom. He might be a bitch about it, but just argue. Stand with your point."

The two looked at each other. They were two completely different people, one's quiet, jumpy but good in school, the other is outgoing and confident, but couldn't care less about school. Yet they fit perfectly together, and nothing felt awkward.

Schlatt started walking away from the school and the other followed. He pulled out a cigarette and a lighter, causing the other to step back.

That was never a good sign, one addiction probably meant there was another. 

Schlatt looked at him, confusion written all over his face. He then looked down at what he was holding.

"Oh. Not a good time, eh?" he said, shame lacing his words.

Wilbur shook his head, watching cautiously as the other moved the packet back into his pocket.

"So, tell me about yourself." 

A few seconds of silence passed.

"I play the guitar and write my own songs. Also enjoy learning languages and countries, haven't had time for that in a while though."

Schlatt hummed impressed. "Sounds nice. I don't get how you have the energy to actually... learn stuff. I usually just chill in bed or go out with friends."

Wilbur laughed at this making Schlatt frown and glare at him. 

"No, you're just lazy."

"Alright you fucker, let's get going."

And for once, Wilbur couldn't do anything else but smile at the harsh name.


Schlatt is always portrayed as this addict jerk in other fics, but I do enjoy my Sweater Duo, so it'll be platonic soulmates :D

- Bread

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