Chapter 28 - You need to accept it to get better

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ED, mentions past trauma

Wilbur and Schlatt walked down the corridor, eventually getting seated on a bench by the cafeteria. 

"Want to buy a snack or something?" Schlatt asked, not noticing his friends face turn pale.

He cleared his throat. "Uh, no, I'm good. Why?"

His friend shrugged. "You barely ate anything at lunch, figured you might be hungry." Wilbur thought for a second, a lie quickly entering his mind. 

"Don't have any money." his voice was thick with his accent, something that happened when he lied.

Schlatt laughed. "I'll pay for you dumbass, I don't mind." he offered. Wilbur looked away; how would he get out of this one? "Nah, I'm okay."

The other looked at him up and down, his deadpanned face turned sad and knowing for a second before he put his mask back up. Deep down he knew it was insensitive to ask, but something told him he had to.

"Does Techno and Phil know?"

Wilbur's face dropped and he stared at his friend in horror, a futile attempt to pull himself together was made. His voice was shaky and barely a whisper when he spoke up.

"K-know what..?"

Schlatt's gaze softened. "Wilbur, I'm not an idiot. We've been friends for like- two weeks now. You barely eat at lunch, and sometimes nothing; when you don't Techno looks at you with sadness. You're way too skinny for a boy your age, you're never in PE and you sometimes lose balance when standing up."

Shame and guilt painted Wilbur's face. He didn't want anyone to know, especially not Schlatt. He knew he would never be mean to him about it, but he didn't want the other's pity. He didn't want him to worry.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered.

Schlatt's face turned to one of confusion.

"For what? You've done nothing wrong."

Wilbur was fighting back tears, greedily accepting the hug offered from his friend.

"I didn't want you to find out, you shouldn't have to worry. I shouldn't be your responsibility..." his voice was uncertain, as if he was afraid to offend the other.

Schlatt sighed. "I don't need to worry, though; because you're so incredibly strong. And I just want to help and make sure you're doing okay." his voice reeked with sincerity.

The hug was deepened as a tear fell from Wilbur's eyes, quickly being wiped away.

"Don't cry, you're okay..." Schlatt reassured.

Wilbur nodded, burying his face in the others chest, hiding from the world and all its horrors. The warmth was comforting, and he soon found himself yawning. Schlatt started playing with his friend's hair, smiling softly.

"Stop, you're going to make me fall asleep..." Wilbur mumbled, voice slurred.

Schlatt laughed yet didn't stop. "You look like you need it, big guy." his voice was low, soothing the boy in his arms.

Wilbur smiled. "Shhh, you don't know what you're talking about." he was on the verge of falling asleep, the only thing keeping him awake was the knowledge of French starting in 15 minutes.

"You should sleep more."

Wilbur let out a laugh. "Really, I never noticed."

Schlatt rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean. Is it something that you struggle with? Insomnia?"

"Fuck do I know, haven't gotten diagnosed with anything." his voice was rough with sleep.

"'Kay, I'll change the question; do you struggle with sleep?" 

Wilbur paused for a second, brain mushy from tiredness.

"Yeah. Can't fall asleep, wake up with nightmares once I do and have to get up in the morning." Wilbur admitted. It felt nice finally telling someone about it.

Schlatt took a deep breath, fearing that he already knew the answer to his question. "What kind of nightmares?"

A dry and pained laugh left the boy, and he pushed himself closer to his friend. 

"My past, mostly my father."

Schlatt gulped. "A-and if I may ask, what happened..?" this was the first time Wilbur had ever heard the other seem vulnerable, he was always confident and forward.

"He was abusive, both mentally and physically. Used to beat me and shit, that's also the reason why I panicked when Mr. Jonson yelled at me." deep down Schlatt knew that Wilbur probably only answered so truthfully because he was tired, and it felt as if he was taking advantage of the boy.

"I'm so sorry, Will." Schlatt said, his theories were correct, and that wasn't exactly good.

"It is what it is." 

"Don't say that."

Wilbur shrugged and pulled out of the hug, rubbed his eyes, and stretching. Schlatt also stood up, and followed his friend to their shared French class.

Schlatt knows weewoo

- Bread

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