Chapter 11 - Is it even real?

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I literally have no idea on what to write lmao so I'll just write and hope for the best. Okay I'm back now, I've decided that all the teachers in this story will be like mine (but a little changed). In other words, I will be slandering my teachers.


PTSD, derealisation

"Wilbur, are you listening?" Wilbur's eyes shot up. "Huh? No, sorry, ma'am." he excused himself, face flushing red. The principal smiled. 

"Right then, since you're in the same class, yours and Techno's schedules are pretty much exactly the same, although since you have French and Techno Spanish those will be different." the three of them nodded in understanding.

"Well then, Phil thank you for coming, and boys, you're free to go now. School starts in twenty minutes; this went faster than expected." they all said thank you and left. Phil went home, he had a meeting to attend, and the two boys went to Wilbur's locker.

Number 111, nice. Wilbur put his lock on it, storing the key on a hair tie around his wrist. He allowed Techno to lead him through the hall and to the first class. It was another 15 minutes until they started, but Techno had always been one to arrive extremely early.

"So, who's our teacher and what are they like?" Wilbur asked. Techno let out a chuckle. "Well, we have Mr. Jensen, no one really knows him. We've had like two proper lessons with him, the others he's either been 'sick', or we watch a movie, or he gives us like something to work on the whole lesson which no one does and is forgotten about the next day."

Wilbur just nodded. It would probably be easier to get good grades in this class since it seemed to be built on behaviour. Hell, he didn't even know what class this was and honestly, he wasn't about to ask. 

A woman who looked completely content with life approached them. Although when she saw them, her slight smile turned into a huge grin. "Ah Techno, so nice to see you! And who's this young man?" she turned towards Wilbur.

"Hi, I'm William. A pleasure, ma'am." he put on a fake smile. He felt fear around men, but was incredibly uncomfortable around women. Techno seemed to notice, but was slightly confused, he had never heard anything about his mother. And she wasn't in court, so what was up with her?

She let them in early, the two boys sitting at a table in the back. "William." the sub spoke up. He flinched slightly and looked up at her. "I've never seen you here before, you must be new. And you seem to know Techno."

Wilbur relaxed. "Yes, ma'am, I am new. And once again you were correct, I do know Techno. We uh..." he looked back at Techno, searching for any type of discomfort or shame. He just nodded, Wilbur smiling in return, "I guess you could call us brothers. I live with them now." Techno's face lit up, a hopeful gleam in his eye. 

The substitute nodded, face showing respectful interest. "Please, call me Kristin. And you're very lucky then, Techno is such a sweetheart and Phil is a good man from what I've heard." she responded with a wink towards Techno at the last part.

Techno rolled his eyes playfully. Wilbur sending confused glances between the two. "I keep telling you Kristin, Phil is just a single boring old man near his deathbed. And you're a wonderful and beautiful woman who needs some action in her life."

Kristin just laughed, Wilbur being more confused than ever. She turned towards Wilbur who's face dropped and throat closed up. He didn't know what was so triggering, her hair was black while his mother's was blonde, everything was the complete opposite.

His face got pale as she approached him. "What's wrong Will, you look a little sick?" her brows furrowed. Wilbur's breath hitched and his skin started crawling, body filling with anxiety. She kneeled in front of him, eyes full of concern. She stretched her hand out and Techno was just about to speak up.

"Don't fucking touch me." Wilbur spat. Kristin's face contorted in shock, and she pulled her hand back. Wilbur just stared at her, face blank but eyes wide in fear. She nodded slowly and went back to her desk.

Techno looked back at Wilbur who was staring into space. "Hey Wilb-" "No". Techno didn't even get to finish before Wilbur stopped him. Techno looked away as people started swarming in. Kristin immediately changed her expression to one of happiness. 

The rest of the kids threw quick glances at him, whispering within their small groups and pairs. Everyone sat down, and Kristen spoke up. "Morning class, hope everyone had a great weekend. Unfortunately, or well, fortunately for some of you, Mr. Jensen isn't here. He hasn't given me any instructions so we're going to continue watching Hamilton."

Some groans and some cheers could be heard. Wilbur had barely processed what had been said, he didn't even care anymore. He wanted to go home, to lay down in his bed and never see, touch, or speak to anyone ever again.

And that's exactly what he was going to do. But he couldn't leave now, that would drag more attention to him, unwanted attention. He couldn't stay there though; everything came back to him. The suffocating hugs that would leave him feeling disgusting all over, the disgusting smell of alcohol that would get his nose to close as he tried to get away from the odour.

Wilbur couldn't breathe, his ears started ringing. He looked up at Techno, who immediately sensed that something was wrong. Techno looked up at Kristin immediately waving her over, this was the best way to talk to teachers without anyone getting interested. 

Wilbur started shaking, digging his head into his hands. No, no, no, he didn't want to. She couldn't touch him; she couldn't be near him. Who even was she? Was she real? What did she look like? "I'm really sorry Kristin, but I'm afraid Wilbur feels a bit sick. Could you please contact Phil? I can wait with him in the group room."

Kristin nodded and Techno grabbed Wilbur, quickly walking outside and into the group room which weirdly enough was unlocked. They sat down. Techno started rubbing soothing circles on Wilbur's back.

"Will, what happened back there?" Wilbur didn't answer. Techno's voice seemed distant, hollow in a way. As if it wasn't really there, just something playing inside his mind. He started pulling at his hair, did he really feel the pain? Was the pain real? Yeah, it was definitely there. He increased the pressure as everything around him slowly turned less foggy. 

Techno was beside him, hand on his back, slowly moving in a circular motion. Wilbur felt exhausted. One second he didn't feel real, the next the world was resting on his shoulders. He let out a groan, everything felt worthless. There was a knock on the door and in came a worried looking Phil.

"Mate you okay? Techno what happened?" Techno just shook his head, as he didn't even know himself. "I think you should just get him home, let him rest in his room and then talk to him." Phil approached Wilbur cautiously. He just stood up and walked out, quickly locating the car and sitting down in it.

A minute later Phil arrived. He didn't say anything, just started the car and drove home. 

Was this too much? Maybe, idrk.

- Bread

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