Chapter 26 - He didn't lie and that's bad

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The teacher's names are gonna be fucked in this story, but I'm taking my teacher's names and changing them.


Panic attack

Wilbur had been zoned out for a long while, seeing no point in listening to the teacher talking about things he already knew.

"William, was it? Anyways, how come you're not listening? I don't want to hear any complaints during the upcoming test." Mr Jones said with an annoyed expression.

Wilbur sighed before making eye contact. "I am listening, and even if I were to zone out it wouldn't matter, we learned this in like sixth grade." he retorted. They were talking about scale, something Wilbur also found easy.

The teacher cocked an eyebrow. "Right. Could you tell me the difference between an expansion and contraction? And as well which four to one is?"

Wilbur snorted a laugh, this guy was a fucking idiot. 

"Yeah, an expansion is when an object is drawn bigger on a picture and a contraction is the exact opposite. The object is drawn smaller on the picture then it is in reality. And four to one is an expansion, four centimetres on the paper is one centimetre in reality."

The teacher nodded before continuing talking.

Wilbur's seated partner looked over at him. "I don't understand why we're even doing this; we've told him so many times, but he doesn't care." they whispered.

The other nodded and for the first time looked over at them.

"Eret, all pronouns please. You?" he said.

Wilbur looked at Eret for a second. "Wilbur, he and him. Sorry, I don't really understand everything with the LGBT community and pronouns, mind explaining?"

Eret smiled and nodded. "Of course. So, I prefer all pronouns, meaning he, she, and they. Some people do it because they're genderfluid, others are just more comfortable with that, or they have another reason."

"Cool, thank you for explaining. How come yo-"

"William and Eret!"

Wilbur froze as he heard the man yell his name; face went pal,e and hands started shaking. Eret looked confused at the others reaction. 

"No talking! I get that you might know this already, but don't disturb, god damnit!" his voice was harsh.

His mind went blank in fear, the only thought being that he had to get away. He remembered what Schlatt had said and raised his hand. "M-may I go to th-the bathroom..?" he asked and cringed internally at his stutter. 

"Fine, better that than disturbing." 

And with that he left, speed walking out of the classroom and down the corridor. The cold air hit him as he exited the building and soon he found himself leaning against a tree by the school bike parking. 

He struggled to breathe as the panic quickly built up, whole body shaking and heart pounding. There was a ringing in his ear, and he choked on a dry sob.

He couldn't hear the voice trying to get his attention, couldn't sense the worried friend behind him. A blurry shape entered his vision, a tall brunette. He couldn't focus on them; he didn't know who it was.

The person crouched and looked up at him, bringing a weird sense of comfort and control to the panicking boy.


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