Chapter 20 - The truth about the closest

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Vocal violence

Wilbur sat on his bed, working on tuning his guitar. A knock brought his attention back to the real world and in stepped Techno. His usually unreadable face had a hint of annoyance and anger in it making Wilbur curl in on himself.

"Where is my fucking knife..?" his voice was flat and slow. His fists clenched drawing Wilbur's eyes to them. Wilbur gulped.

"I- I haven't s-seen it I pro-m-mise..." he mumbled. Because he hadn't, he would never go close to one.

Techno straightened his back seemingly growing bigger. His expression changed every few seconds, almost as if he was in an argument with someone. 'He has it' one chanted, 'Kill him' the other said. 

"T-tech I promise I-" he began, quickly being interrupted. "Don't give me any of that 'Tech' shit. I know you took it, they- they told me. I know that you took it." his voice faltered for a second, insecurity lacing his voice.

"They... who's they..?" Wilbur asked.

"Doesn't matter, now WHERE THE FUCK IS IT!?" he yelled making Wilbur jump back and curl up in a ball. As Techno saw the other go in protective mode, looking like a prey, something inside him broke.

The chanting got louder, making his vision spot red and anger build up. He wasn't in control anymore; his body being led forward as he screamed at the one he had called his brother. He didn't know what he was yelling, but it seemed to affect the other deeply.

Wilbur was crying, hugging himself as he tried to get away from everything. There were faint steps in the background, and as Techno raised his fist he was pulled away.

Wilbur was left shaking and crying as Phil pulled Techno away and into another room. Loud voices were heard from the other room making Wilbur yelp and move to slide under his bed.

In the other room sat Techno and his father, Phil attempting to calm the other down. "Techno, hi mate. It's okay, focus on me please, on my voice." he spoke. 

Techno was slowly brought back to earth, breathing heavily. He saw Phil sit in front of him. "Tech, have you been taking you meds properly?" 

Techno looked away; shame written all over his face. He shook his head. "Alright, that's okay. But you really need to take them. Did you forget or were they telling you not to?" Phil continued.

"I just forgot, I promise. I've been so caught up with everything that it slipped." he answered, a quiver in his voice.

Phil raised his hand and grabbed the bottle of pills on his nightstand, giving one of them to his son. Techno swallowed it, taking a sip of water from the glass he always had in his room.

"Good job mate! Now, how about you stay in here for a little while, to calm down and let the pills do their job?" Phil offered, getting a tired nod in response.

The older stood up before walking over to Wilbur's room. He knocked softly, hearing a sob from the other side. He entered.

"Wilbur? It's just me, okay? You can come out of there, or you can stay if that makes you feel safe." There was no movement from under the bed, so Phil took it as a que to continue.

"Okay, so I realise now that I've missed to tell you a few things. So Technoblade has - since before he came to me - schizophrenia. It causes him to hear voices and have delusions, in this case that you stole one of his knives. He had forgotten to take his meds causing him to lose control over himself, it was not him acting."

Wilbur listened intently from under the bed, taking in everything to his best ability. That explains why Techno referred to something as 'they'. He calmed down a little, but stayed still under the bed.

"Phil?" he spoke up, the other humming in acknowledgement. "H-has Techno ever hurt someone..?" 

The question hung thick in the air, silencing them both. Phil cleared his throat.

"Well- yeah. He has. But it was when he first joined me. He thought I was going to lock him in somewhere and eventually had an illusion of me as his parents. As I tried to grab him to bring him back, he got scared and punched me." Phil admitted.

Wilbur gasped, how could such a sweet boy hurt someone? But he reminded himself that this was not his brother, this was something or someone else. But what if it was him? The questions never ended, there was always another. And he could pretend that he had the answers, tell himself comforting words.

Phil sighed before standing up, going back to Techno. He was fast asleep, snoring quietly in his bed. He looked so peaceful; it was a sweet sight. 


Also, Doubt is my soulmate music edition, mwah!

- Bread

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