Chapter 35 - Maybe it's possible

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In honour of... idk something, I present mommy issues and uhhh idk stay in school kids.


Mentions of past abuse, mentions selfharm

Wilbur sat anxiously in the classroom, Kristin in front of him.

"Wilbur, I want to start off by saying I'm not angry or disappointed, just... sad you gave in." she sighed. The younger knew exactly what she was talking about, though he stayed silent.

Why did she care? He wasn't her son; he didn't have a mom. Though something inside him yearned for her, maybe it was her natural motherly vibe and behaviour, or she was special. Maybe she could help.

"Do you want to talk about your addiction?" she asked. Wilbur's eyes widened and he looked at her. "Addiction..?" he whispered.

The only things he associated with addiction was his father and mother coming home drunk, the aggressive man on his way upstairs to hurt his son, punish him purely for existing.

A tap on the wood of the table brought him back. He glanced back at Kristin, eyes full of guilt.

They just stared at each other, Kristin wanting the other to open up and Wilbur wanting to run away and never return.

"You do understand that I'll have to talk to Phil about this, right?"

Regret flashed over Wilbur's eyes. He didn't want to disappoint the other, or worse, make him angry. He nodded slowly, gaze resting on the table below.

"How can we help you stay clean? What can the school do and what can they change at home?"

She really wanted to help. Just like she did for Techno she felt a sort of responsibility for the boy. Kristin had always loved kids and wanted to become a mother, but when she found out she couldn't she decided to help at schools.

And she grew attached to Techno, and the other who didn't have a mother figure happily accepted her into his life. She was kind, caring, respectful, everything he could've ever wanted.

Wilbur didn't dare look at her, afraid that he would open up too much.

"I don't know, okay? I don't know how to get better!" he shouted; frustration clear in his voice. He remembered saying the same thing to Sophia two days ago. Kristin looked at him.

"Would it help to stay with someone? To have someone by your side at all times? For example, sleep in the same room as Techno and that you're never alone." 

Wilbur nodded, yeah that might work.

A soft smiled formed on Kristin's face. "Wilbur, may I ask you something? It's okay not to answer."

Wilbur looked up and nodded in a go-ahead motion.

"The first time we met you panicked over something, and I can't help but wonder if I triggered something. Could you tell me?"

He took a deep breath, this would be the third time he ever talked about his mother, and this time to another woman.

"She was just... not respecting my boundaries, and at the time I was still on my guard with everyone. I guess you approaching me when I wasn't planning on it made me go into protective mode." he explained. Kristin nodded in understanding.

"I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable, and I'm so sorry that happened to you." her voice was soft and honest.

He nodded softly, trying to hold back his tears. For once the comfort and pity didn't feel forced or false, and the offered safety from the woman didn't make him feel wrong and disgusting. He felt like his body was his own and that he got to decide what happened to it.

His lip began quivering, he fought back the tears, but his whole body shaking didn't make it easy. Kristin's eyes softened.

As tears began to fall down his eyes she spoke up. "Oh, poor thing..." she mumbled. 

He quickly wiped his eyes but to no avail as they continued to fall. Anger washed over him. Why did he have to start crying, why? He stood up, ignoring Kristin's calls for him. As he was about to leave the room, he was stopped by a hand grasping his wrist.

He turned around in horror, panic in his eyes as he attempted to pull away. Kristin let go, but looked at him with pleading eyes.

In fear of what would happen if he didn't listen, he made his way back to the table. He sat down, avoiding her gaze as he dried his eyes. This time the tears did stop.

"Wilbur, I know it's scary, but please talk to me. It might feel weird talking to me, but I want to try and help. I want to be there for you." she begged. It was clear she cared for the boy, but he was still putting up walls.

He shook his head, he didn't want to trust, he didn't dare to.

"I won't judge or get angry." she reassured.

Wilbur looked at her, could she really be trusted? "I'm scared." he whimpered. 

Kristin nodded. A knock pulled them out of their own world, and Wilbur who was too scared to care about anything else didn't react.

The adult stood up, yelling something as the person on the other side started pulling at the door. She opened the door to see an angry male on the other side. "What the fuck is your problem huh? What did you do to him?" he spat.

She tried to explain herself, that they had been talking about something personal and whatnot, but the other wouldn't have it.

He tried to enter the classroom but was blocked by Kristin. He shoved her backwards, not really putting any strength into the action, just moving her backwards. He rushed inside and kneeled in front of his friend.

"Will? Hey, can you hear me?" Schlatt softened his voice. The younger nodded and searched for any contact. He didn't want a hug, that was too much, but he wanted to feel supported.

They held each other's hands, Schlatt rubbing his thumb up and down in a calming manner. Slowly but surely the other felt calmer and he smiled at his friend in appreciation. He looked up at Kristin, an apologetic look on his face.

She looked guilty. Schlatt also turned to her.

"What happened? Did she hurt you or make you uncomfortable?" he questioned. "N-no she didn't, I just- I was just overwhelmed..." he whispered. Schlatt untensed and nodded. 

Glancing down he saw the red spot on the other white bandages. With saddened eyes he drew his hand across it. "Wilbur..." he began.

"You should've- please talk to someone. Everyone wants you to stay clean."

A dry chuckle left Wilbur's mouth. "I'll be fine, big guy."

Sorry this was half arsed and messy, Techno's death has been taking a toll on me lately. I'm happy I was able to get all chapters out there at least!

ALSOOOOO, WHAT ARE WE THINKING OF SOTF???? And do you play it yourself? I sadly don't as I don't have a working computer. If you don't play, who do you watch? Personally Matinbum playing with Stamsite.

- Bread

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