Chapter 27 - To feel and relate

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Wilbur entered the house, seeing Phil sit by the dining table and working on his computer.

"Hi kids, how was school?" he asked.

"Eh, it was okay. Nothing special, things stay as they always have been." Techno answered.

Phil smiled. "Well that's good. Wilbur, could we talk for a moment?"

Wilbur nodded and went upstairs with Phil. They sat down on his bed.

A sigh left the adult's mouth. "Wilbur, I want you to be honest; how are you feeling about school?" Wilbur looked up at him, this was not the question he was expecting.

"I like it. I have two new friends, I really like my French teacher and I feel like I fit in." honesty poured out with his words.

"Wilbur, I got a mail from your math's teacher, apparently you skipped his class right after disturbing. I understand the disturbing part, you want to chat with your friends; but the skipping?"

It was now Wilbur's turn to sigh. "He yelled at me, and I panicked. I went outside and got help from a friend. He wanted to cheer me up and then we lost track of time." there was a shake in his voice, embarrassment clear.

He never intended to skip, but he felt so incredibly safe and happy with Schlatt that he never wanted to leave his side.

"Alright, that's valid. But you cannot keep skipping, okay? It's a one-time thing. I will not do anything this time, but if it happens again there will be consequences." Phil said with a serious tone.

Wilbur gulped and nodded in understanding, but despite his calm demeanour the itching on his wrist came creeping up. He was making them disappointed, he deserved the pain, he needed the pain. And he needed it now.

There was a moment of silence, and Phil looked troubled.


He looked up at the older.

"When you left the bathroom last night there was a drop of blood on the toilet. Is there anything going on?"

Wilbur's heart stopped beating. He needed a lie, and that was quick.

"When I got all anxious last night I was scratching my arm and accidentally reopened the uh... you know- scar from my... yeah. But I realised this morning and made sure it was all clean and stuff."

The blonde sighed in relief. "Alright."

Phil stood up and then walked out of the room, leaving the teen on his own. Shortly after Wilbur stood up and snuck to the bathroom, only grabbing a roll of bandages.

After he entered his room he grabbed a sock from his drawer, cutting the top part off.

With everything in hand, he locked his door and sat on his bed, breathing heavily as he considered not cutting.

Eventually his urges made the decision for him, and he picked up the blade, and pressed it just below his elbow pit. Slowly he slid it across his arm, sighing contently at the pain and relief washing over him, mixing into a weird sense of comfort.

The small pools of blood stayed in their cut, not deep enough to start rushing down as they usually would.

Again, and again, he softly drew the blade across his arm, never feeling satisfied with himself. He didn't go deep, but frankly it didn't matter. There would never be a consistent way of harming himself, always there would be a new experience.

He eventually paused to look at the damage he had caused; red streaks in different sizes and angles covered his right arm. 

With a shaking hand he picked up the bandages, wrapping it around the fresh cuts.

To secure it extra he pulled the sock over his arm, the pressure soothing the fiery pain. 

He felt numb, like nothing matter in this life. Not even death was on his mind, he would rather just exist in the background, to not be seen, heard, or cared about; just floating around.

Wilbur pulled his phone up, looking up the chords for one of his favourite songs, one that he could relate to in a way that it was not intended for.

Simone soon joined him on his bed, and he began playing, softly singing the lyrics. His voice was not the best fit for the song, missing the shaky, raspy, and filling voice that the original singers had.

His eyes teared up as he began singing those few sentences that would forever be buried deep in his mind.

"And I don't think my brain deserves it," his voice broke. "To relieve what I have left behind."

Flashing images of his past life stuck in his brain, a feeling of sad comfort settling inside of him.

"But seeing you conjures most the time..."

He thought back to all the flashbacks he had gone through, all the times he'd woken up from nightmares or panicked when something was remotely like a past scenario.

"I give your actions more power, it's unfair but true."

All the times he flinched at potential touch, could barely function when someone raised their voice or changed himself and put himself in uncomfort just to avoid problems, all because of his father's selfish actions.

"I just walk away, I like this distance from you..."

When he walked straight to his room to avoid his father, staying quiet as to not disturb anyone.

"Yeah time away has taught me that I like this distance from you."

After the first meeting with Phil, when he finally realised that he wasn't fully the problem, his father also played a small part in it. When he no longer thought that he had done something wrong and needed to please his parents, instead knowing that no matter what he did they would always hate him.

I've been listening so so so so so much to Crywank lately and I love it. They're amazing, and Jay's voice is just perfect, mwah.

- Bread

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