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Room Layout:

Room One: Mom & Dad
Room Two: Grandma Venus & Grandpa Carlos, Grandma Jenna & Grandpa Jim
Room Three: Aunt Raven & Uncle JB, Aunt Jenny & Uncle Ace
Room Four: Y/N.
Basement: Ella McDonald, Colin McDonald, Valeria Jackson, Will Jackson, Brock L/N, Serena L/N, Lucas L/N, & Maya L/N
Attic: Elena Perry, Thalia Perry, Jeanette Perry, Robin Bush, & Katie Bush
Front Room: Mary Joe Jackson, Luis Jackson, Cameron L/N, Clark L/N, Sara L/N, & Dustin L/N
Living Room: Audrey McDonald, Annie McDonald, & Ezekiel McDonald.


Y/N stirred the noodles in the pot in front of her, as she added various seasonings to the sauce that was in a separate pot. She looked at the clock and grinned brightly. Her family would be there any minute and she hoped they would like the dinner she had prepared for them.

She scooped up the peppers she had recently cut into tiny pieces and sprinkled it into the sauce before mixing it. As Y/N continued making dinner for her family, she couldn't help but shiver as she felt eyes boring into her back.

She stopped stirring and felt herself shiver. She quickly turned and was relieved to find no one there. Her eyes darted around her kitchen, looking out the window, and down her hallway, but there was still no sign of any people.

She turned back to the food, trying to brush off the feeling that continued to eat at her. She was sure it was just her nerves. She was feeling anxious about seeing her family again, which was causing her to create unrealistic, and ridiculous, scenarios to try and distract her from it. Yes, that had to be it.

Y/N turned off the stove and moved both of the pans to the burners at the back, so they wouldn't overcook. She washed her hands and then began to set the table. She had a dining room that she never used, but it would be able to seat everyone. Except the younger kids, which Y/N had a separate table for.

Just as she finished with the dinner preparations, there was a loud knock at the door, followed by arguing. Y/N rushed to the door and opened it up, with a bright smile on her face.

"You kicked my seat the whole way!" Ezekiel complained to his sister. Ezekiel was a 15-year-old moody teenage boy, whereas his sister, Annie, was a 9-year-old girl. The two were polar opposites in nearly every way.

"Well, you smell bad!" Annie retorted.

Ezekiel rolled his eyes and turned to greet his aunt. "Hey, Aunt Y/N,"

Y/N chuckled at her niece and nephews bickering. "Hey, you two. It's nice to see you."

Y/N pulled them into a hug, causing Ezekiel to groan. "Okay, okay, don't be sappy."

Y/N pulled away and the two kids walked into the house. Audrey walked in after them, she was Ezekiel and Annie's 14-year-old sister.

"Hey, Auntie Y/N," Audrey greeted.

"Hey, Audrey!" Y/N beamed. "How's school?"

"Oh, I have so much to catch you up on!" Audrey stated, smiling a bright smile and showing off her purple braces. She walked past Y/N and into the living room.

Ella and Colin McDonald walked in after their children. Ella was Y/N's eldest sister, and Colin was her husband. "Ella!" Y/N exclaimed as she hugged her sister. She pulled away and hugged Colin, but not as tight and not nearly as long. "How have you two been?"

"Oh, you know how it is," Colin sighed. "Taxes and whatnot..."

Y/N playfully shook her head and moved to greet the next people. She greeted all of her nieces and nephews. Mary Joe and Luis Jackson, Cameron and Clark L/N, and Sara and Dustin L/N. As well, as her siblings and their partners, Valeria and Will Jackson, Brock and Serena L/N, and Lucas and Maya L/N.

She greeted all five of her cousins, afterwards. Elena, Thalia, and Jeanette Perry. Then, Robin and Katie Bush. Finally, her parents and grandparents walked in.

"Mom! Dad!" Y/N joyfully shouted as she hugged both of them. "I've missed you so much."

"We've missed you too, honey," Tiana said.

"Haven't been getting up to too much trouble, have you?" Henry asked.

Y/N laughed. "No, Dad,"

Y/N turned to greet her grandparents next. Her grandparents on her dads side came up to her first. Jenna and Jim L/N.

"Grandma, Grandpa!" Y/N began. "It's so nice to see you!"

"What?" Grandpa Jim asked. "What was that?"

"She said "it's so nice to see you", honey," Grandma Jenna said. She turned to Y/N. "His hearing loss has been getting worse."

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that," Y/N said. Her grandparents were quite old. Which is why she was so happy to see them this year. She never knew when it'd be their last Christmas together.

Grandma Venus and Grandpa Carlos appeared by Y/N's side. "Grandma Venus! Grandpa Carlos! How was your trip?"

"Oh, it was wonderful," Grandma Venus began. "Thank you, Valeria,"

Y/N's smile faded. Tiana cut in. "No, Mom. That's Y/N. My youngest."

"I thought the youngest was Elena," Grandma Venus said in confusion.

"Let's go sit down, dear," Grandpa Carlos suggested as he helped to guide his wife to the couch.

Y/N turned back to her parents with a saddened gaze. "I forgot Grandma Venus has amnesia."

Henry returned the upset look. "We know it's been hard. Living so far away from all of us. And, I'm sorry that we don't visit that, often. But, the trip is so long. It's hard on quite a bit of us. Like your grandparents."

"Don't worry, Dad," Y/N smiled. "I understand. But, where's Aunt Raven & Uncle JB?"

"Oh, they fell behind, a bit," Tiana said. "They left later than all of us, so they won't be here until tomorrow."

"Oh..." Y/N trailed off. "Well, that's okay. I just hope they stay safe. The roads are slippery. You know, with all the snow."

"Yeah, it's so odd, too," Tiana said. "Snow doesn't usually come until December."

"I guess, Jack Frost wanted to get to work early this year," Y/N suggested with a giggle.

"Who's Jack Frost?" Y/N's 3-year-old niece, Sara, asked.

Y/N sighed and ruffled the young girl's hair. "Nobody. It's hard to explain."

"I'm good at understand-ering ," Sara stated.

"Understanding, sweetie," Y/N corrected. "It's understanding."

"Oh," Sara nodded. "I knew that," Sara ran off and jumped onto the couch to watch the show that her mom, Maya, had put on.

"Okay! Who's ready to eat?"

(Hope you enjoyed it! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

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