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December 12th

"They should start the investigation today." Y/N stated. She poured coffee into one of the mugs in front of her. "It's been 24 hours and Willow still isn't back."

"I'm sure she'll be all right," Ella comforted. She watched as Y/N handed a mug of the dark beverage to each of her siblings before taking a small sip of her own. "Besides, didn't you say she was very...out there? If that's true, she could've spontaneously decided to pack up and leave."

"She is spontaneous, yes," Y/N nodded. "And, incredibly out there." She pondered Ella's words for a moment. "That does sound like something that she'd do." Y/N abruptly shook her head. "But, no. She would've told me. Especially, because we planned on living together. Not to mention, all of her things were still at her house. If she did leave, why wouldn't she bring them with her? If not anything else, at least her phone. It just doesn't make sense."

"Why does shit like this keep happening?" Valeria asked. She looked down at her coffee before her eyes trailed over the Mary. The adult was leant up against the kitchen counter, listening to their conversation and thinking silently to herself. "No coffee for Mary?"

"She prefers tea," Y/N answered simply. "Speaking of, Ella," she addressed her sister and pointed at a piece of paper on her refrigerator. "Could you add tea bags to my grocery list? The pen is right there." She pointed at the counter where a red pen was lying at a slight angle.

Ella did as Y/N instructed before continuing the conversation. "Do you think it'll be the same officers?"

"Knowing my luck..." Y/N sighed. "Yes."

"That Andrew guy was such a dick!" Valeria exclaimed.

"Is." Y/N corrected. "Is a dick."

"While I do agree that Officer Polton's methods are terribly unethical," Lucas began after placing his mug onto the table. "He is an officer of the law. We should at least hold our tongue's until they are finished with each investigation."

"Who knows how long that'll take?" Valeria exclaimed. She smiled sheepishly as she looked towards Y/N. "No offense. I'm sure Willow's fine."

Y/N sighed. "I know what you meant." She turned around to face the stove and check on the breakfast that she was cooking. "And, Lucas, I do hold my tongue. There are plenty of things that I would've loved to say to him, but I didn't."

"I don't doubt that." Lucas nodded. "Which is why that comment was mostly directed towards Brock and Val."

"Hey!" Valeria exclaimed.

"I can hold my tongue just fine!" Brock defended. "Besides, all I need to get my point across is my fist. Polton's got a very punchable face."

"As much as I'd love to see that jerk get his shit rocked," Y/N chuckled. "I don't think that having my brother arrested for assault on an officer is going to make me look any better."

"Y/N's got a point," Ella agreed. "It's best for us to comply and not cause problems." The oldest sibling placed the pen back down onto the counter. "If not for our sake, then at least for Y/N's. She's the one that Officer Polton is trying to convict."

Y/N's face held a look of surprise at Ella's words. "Well, I wouldn't say he's trying to convict me..." she began to make plates once she was satisfied with the quality of the meal. "More so... trying to get me to confess."

"If you confess to any of the accusations he's placed on you," Lucas started. "Then, he'll be able to convict you based on that. Even if he isn't able to fully convict you, he'll take you to court."

Mrs. Christmas (YANDERE! Mrs. Claus x FEMALE! reader)Where stories live. Discover now