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November 23rd

Y/N straightened out her orange top that she had paired with corduroy pants and looked into the living room from her spot in the dining room. She had just placed the last food item on the table and was now debating which option was most sensible. Calling her family in to have Thanksgiving dinner...or running away.

"H...hey, guys!" Y/N called. Her voice wobbled, clearly showcasing her odd behavior. "Foods done."

It didn't sound very thankful.

A few of her family members responded, but most just followed with a nod as they migrated from the living room to the dining room. Y/N held a meek smile as she gazed at her large family.

She hoped they would notice her efforts. After everything they had all been through, they deserved to have a nice dinner. A Thanksgiving dinner.

Everyone found their seats. The kid table consisted of MJ Jackson & Luis Jackson, Cameron and Clark L/N, Sara & Dustin L/N, and Annie McDonald. Whereas the adult table sat all the adults, plus 14-year-old Audrey McDonald and her 15-year-old brother, Ezekiel McDonald.

Y/N expected her family to say a prayer before the dinner, like they had done for as long as Y/N could remember. But, instead, they just started eating.

But, there was a brief moment before where everyone was just looking at each other. They weren't sure what to do, they were just waiting for someone to make the first move. So, Brock did.

He reached in front of him and grabbed a leg off of the turkey. He held it in front of him before gazing right into Y/N's eyes and saying, "What are we waiting for? Let's eat."

And, so began the Thanksgiving of nightmares.

No one said anything they were thankful for that night. No one said grace. Y/N had been brought up by her family in a very religious setting and something they had done for years was saying grace before any meal, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Y/N didn't really know what she believed. And, there wasn't a religious reason for her wanting to say grace. She wanted to because it was a tradition. Meaning it was normal. And, that's exactly what she wanted. She craved normalcy. Especially during this hard time.

But, instead it seemed like any God or Goddess that was out there was against her. She knew it wasn't smart to think this way. If there were really Gods and Goddesses like Zeus or Aphrodite, would they be angry with her for doubting their existence? Or suggesting that they were against her for her own misfortunes? And, how would she know?

"So, anyone been watching the news lately?" Robin, Y/N's cousin, asked.

"Please, not politics," Lucas groaned.

"Oh, hush!" Robin said. "It's not politics. A girl was killed."


"What?" Y/N asked.

"It's true," Robin stated. Even though, Y/N had never suggested that it wasn't. "She was found dead in her home. Murder. That's what it was."

Y/N felt uneasy. What were the odds? The police believe Uncle JB was murdered and then the very next day someone else is killed.

"How?" That was all Y/N could say.

"The murder weapon wasn't found, but," A wave of revulsion wiped over Robin's face. "She had been stabbed in her mouth and her throat. Her official cause of death was determined to be suffocation. She choked on her own blood."

Silence washed over the entire family. They all felt gross. They felt disgusting just talking about it. Some poor girl had been murdered. And, they were sitting there talking about it.

"Can I go back to the kid table?" Audrey asked. Her discomfort was obvious.

"Me too?" Ezekiel asked.


"Nothing ever goes my way, Pawsley," Y/N complained as she locked her bedroom door.

Her cat looked up at her from the bed before yawning and lying back down. Y/N huffed and began to change into some pajamas.

Thanksgiving dinner had been awful. What did Y/N expect? It's not like things ever went the way she planned.

As Y/N finished putting on her black sweatpants and a simple tank top, she moved to her mirror and removed the makeup she had on.

She started to move towards her bed, but stopped to look at her window. She knew. She knew something would be there.

And, there was.

It was a small box. Y/N grabbed it and closed her window. She locked it. Y/N fell back onto her bed and began opening the gift. Her fingers tingled with excitement. She had grown used to the gifts. And, she was beginning to like them.

She didn't know if she'd ever find out who was leaving them for her. Maybe, it was someone she knew. Maybe, it wasn't. It was impossible to know.

But, as she looked at the necklace that lie in the box all of her worries left. It was a beautiful necklace. An emerald was encased in it, and as far as Y/N could tell...it was real.

Y/N smiled. It seemed like she had found what she was thankful for.

Y/N jumped at the sound of her phone ringing. She sighed and looked at the number. She recognized it as the number to the local police station. She answered it.

"Is this Y/N L/N?"

"I- uh, yes," Y/N answered.

"Ma'am, we need you to come down to the station," The woman said.

"Right now?" Y/N asked. "It's night."

"Yes, now," the woman stated.

"Oh, um..." Y/N started. "Okay. I'll be there in a few minutes."

Y/N hung up and grabbed her bag before slipping into her tennis shoes. She opened her mini fridge and grabbed one of the peppermint cookies. She wrapped it in a paper towel, then stuffed it in her bag.

And, she was on her way.

Everyone was already asleep by the time she had stepped out the door. That made everything easier for her. She didn't have to stop and explain everything, she could just leave.

And, she didn't really feel like talking to family.

(Hope you enjoyed it! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

Mrs. Christmas (YANDERE! Mrs. Claus x FEMALE! reader)Where stories live. Discover now