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December 4th

Waking up and not seeing Mary waiting for her was a disappointing surprise for Y/N. She had grown used to the commonality of Mary's white hair at the bottom of her bed waiting for her to wake.

Y/N had grown to not mind the intrusion. In fact, it was like the norm for her now. Without Mary, her daily routine seemed to be missing a vital part of it. It appeared that it wasn't just her who thought so. Pawsley jumped onto Y/N's bed and meowed as he sniffed around in search of the mystical woman.

"Mary's not here, Pawsley," Y/N informed. Pawsley walked closer to Y/N, jumping onto her stomach and tilting his head. "Sorry, little guy," Y/N gently scratched behind Pawsley's ears before moving him off of her, so she could start getting ready. "She will be back, later."

Pawsley's tail flicked upwards and he meowed once again. "It's true!" Y/N defended. "Don't look at me like that." Y/N sighed when she realized just how ridiculous she sounded. "I suppose anyone would give me that look if they saw I was talking to a cat." She turned back to Pawsley who was stretched out on her bed, pawing the air. Y/N chuckled. "Yup. I've officially lost it."

Y/N began getting herself ready for work and after checking out her new eye color - one that resembled a desert sun - she put on an outfit that was acceptable for work. A T-shirt and a pair of washed out jeans that she labeled her "work pants". Y/N turned back to Pawsley, who was kneading the spot of the bed that Mary usually lied on. Y/N frowned. "She will be back tonight, Pawsley," Pawsley meowed in a tone that sounded disagreeable. "I promise," Y/N hummed.

She left the bedroom and sauntered down the hall towards the kitchen. She was met with Ezekiel and his two younger sisters. Annie was hoisted onto the counter next to the sink, while Ezekiel and Audrey were sat down at the small two person table in the corner. Y/N smiled towards them, greeting the three siblings with a friendly, "Good morning!"

"Good morning, Auntie!" Annie beamed, kicking her feet back and forth against the cabinets beneath her.

"Where are you going?" Audrey asked as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"I have work today," Y/N answered. "But, I have a little bit of time to spare. What do you guys want for breakfast? Something simple."

"Avocado toast?" Ezekiel suggested.

"I love avocado toast!" Audrey and Annie exclaimed. They looked towards each other before sharing a small laugh and turning back to Y/N.

"Avocado toast, it is then," Y/N nodded. She began to gather the necessary food items for the breakfast, not completely taking notice to two of her siblings entering the room.

"Good morning!" Ella greeted.

"Finally decided to crawl out of your cave?" Brock asked.

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. "Excuse me?"

"Don't get so defensive," A new voice joined. It was Valeria, entering into the kitchen with Lucas behind her.

"Brock does make a point," Lucas commented, pushing his glasses up onto his nose while he suspiciously eyed down his younger sister. "You have been spending quite a lot of time in your room."


"Yeah, is everything all right?" Ella chimed in with a look of concern decorating her features.

"Ella, everything is fine," Y/N assured. "And, you don't have to go all "big sister mode" on me. I'm not five, anymore."

"So, what are you doing locked away in there all day, every day?" Brock asked. "Nothing illegal, right?"

Mrs. Christmas (YANDERE! Mrs. Claus x FEMALE! reader)Where stories live. Discover now