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November 28th


And, there it was. Standing in front of the young teenage boy, staring down in a concerned manner. Who were they? The golden shining light that sent him dreams every night. This night would be no different.

However, this dream would save his life...


"What are you doing here, child?" The being asked gently.

Ezekiel shivered against the tree as he looked at the shining orb next to him. He couldn't see his face but his voice was as clear as day. As was his warmth when he transferred it to Ezekiel in an attempt to comfort him.

"I-I ran away..." Ezekiel answered. He lowered his head, looking down at the snowy environment that surrounded him. His voice sounded shameful, almost as if he was embarrassed. Embarrassed that he actually thought he could survive on his own. Now, he was going to die. Most likely of starvation, if hypothermia didn't take him first. Ezekiel knew that. He knew that he was going to pass, but he couldn't bring himself to stand and walk home. Mentally or physically.

"There is no need to feel chagrined, child," The orb of light comforted. "Everyone thinks about leaving... at some point or another."

"Yeah, but I actually did it," Ezekiel pointed out. He huffed. "Like an idiot. I'm so...stupid."

"Nonsense," the voice denied. "You are many things, Ezekiel McDonald but 'stupid' is not one."

"How would you know?" Ezekiel asked, his teenage arrogance shining through. "You don't know anything about me."

Despite Ezekiel's harsh and emotional tone, Sandman stayed calm. A smile played on his lips, although he knew Ezekiel couldn't see it. To humans, he was merely a shining light. He had often been mistaken for an Angel. "That is not true."

Ezekiel sighed. It was clear that he'd be getting nowhere with this glowing, crystallized, light source. "How did you know my name?"

"I know many things, dear child," Sandman answered. "Many people. From the beginning of time, I have known everyone to ever walk upon the Earth."

Ezekiel seemed slightly shocked. "R-Really?"

"Yes. I would not lie."

Sandman's warmth had been temporarily transferred to Ezekiel because he knew that he didn't need it as much as the young teen next to him. Ezekiel cleared his throat. "Do you remember all of their names?"

"I do," Sandman nodded. "There was William Shakespeare, Alexander the Great, Mother Teresa...to name a few."

"Everyone knows who they are," Ezekiel stated. "That proves nothing."

"I see your point," Sandman agreed. "Well, do you know Mary Anning? Giles Corey? How about Percy Julian?"

Ezekiel was quiet for a moment. "No...I don't know who those people are. How do you know so many people? Why do you know them?"

"I play a part in the lives of everyone," Sandman began. "I bring pleasant dreams. Many of which are used to aid people so they can move forward."

"So, you're basically..." Ezekiel trailed off. "Kind of like Sandman?"

Sandman chuckled. "I suppose you could say that."

Ezekiel seemed troubled. "Why are you here with me, then?"

"Ezekiel, have you ever heard the term 'mute'?" Sandman asked to which he nodded. "Well, I am mute. I can only speak when I am inside of a dream. I always use my gift of speech to help whoever I am giving the dream too. That is why I am here."

Mrs. Christmas (YANDERE! Mrs. Claus x FEMALE! reader)Where stories live. Discover now