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Irene pulled her winter coat closer to her body as she took one last hit off of her blunt. Coming to the conclusion, that it was officially too cold to stay outside, she put out her blunt in her snow covered ash-tray.

Standing up, she cupped her hands around her mouth and called to her dog. "Gatsby! Time to come inside!"

Her dog, whom she had named after a character from her favorite book, ran towards her with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. He was a Saint Bernard, and naturally, he was huge.

But, he was the definition of "Gentle Giant". Gatsby jumped up on Irene and licked her face causing Irene to giggle. "Okay, okay, boy. Let's go inside."

Irene turned around and opened the back door, letting her dog go in before her. Irene closed her door, promptly forgetting to lock it behind her.

"Okay, Gatsby, go to your room." Irene said. Gatsby barked and ran into an open door next to Irene's room. The room was supposed to be a guest bedroom, but Irene never had guests over, so she turned it into her dogs bedroom.

After filling up Gatsby's food and water bowl she left, leaving the door open a little, in case he wanted to sleep in Irene's room with her.

Irene entered her room and pulled out her phone. She scrolled through her contacts, searching for a specific person that she had been wanting to call. Finding Y/N's name, she clicked on it and waited for her to answer.


The young adult jumped and quickly turned to face the voice. A woman stood in her bedroom doorway. She wore a red and white pantsuit, her hair reached a little past her shoulders and it was completely white. She had glasses, but she wasn't wearing them, they were tucked into her shirt.

"Oh, shit," Irene whispered. "I must be trippin' hard."

"I can assure you that this is not the after-effects of weed that you're experiencing," the woman said. "Hang up that phone."

Irene did as the woman instructed. She grinned. "You're smarter than you look."

"Who are you?" Irene asked. "What's going on?"

"I'll skip past the tiring details and let you know exactly what's going to happen," The woman said. "I'm going to kill you."


"Oh, no need for the dramatics, now," A devilish smirk spread across her features. "We both know you heard me."

The woman grabbed Irene's wrist and had her pinned against the bed within a second. Pulling out her weapon of choice, the murderous woman raised her hand, prepared to plunge it into Irene's throat.

In a moment of panic, Irene jolted and the woman missed her target. Instead, she had stabbed the icicle into Irene's mouth. It went through her easily, only a small part of the end sticking out of the back of her head.

A groan of pain came from Irene as tears began to spill from her eyes.

"That was your fault," The woman stated as she ripped the icicle from her mouth. Irene opened her mouth to scream, but it only came out as a meek whine. "Can't you just shut the fuck up?"

She brought the icicle down once again, this time it landed right where she wanted it. Irene choked as blood filled her pierced throat. The woman got off of her and leaned against the wall.

She watched as Irene died. Choking on her own blood. It was a long process. Half an hour. The entire time Irene was alive, just waiting for her blood to overtake her and eventually kill her.

Once the process had finished, Mary left the room. She didn't bother cleaning up. She hadn't left behind anything and if she had, it was impossible to link this murder to her. No one knew who she was, after all. The icicle would melt before anyone found the body, meaning there would be no murder weapon for the police to investigate.

Mary was going to get away with this.

Mary opened the screen door to leave, but stopped when she heard a small whine. She turned her head, only to find Irene's dog hiding in the corner. He looked scared. And confused.

What should she do? Could a dog reveal something to the police? It sounded ridiculous, but dogs were very smart and loyal creatures. She wouldn't be surprised if he did.

Mary let out a sigh. "Fuck."


Waking up, the first thing Y/N noticed was the cookies lying next to her. She sluggishly put the lid on them and placed them in the mini fridge she had next to her bed.

She grabbed her phone and came to the unfortunate realization of what day it was. November 23rd. Thanksgiving.

She also saw a missed call. From Irene. She pressed the contact and waited for the waitress to answer. But, she didn't. The ringing went on and on. Leaving Y/N to wonder why she called her in the first place. She decided that Irene was probably just sleeping in. Nothing to worry about.

Y/N quickly threw her blanket off of her and rushed to get ready. She found an outfit that she deemed nice, but not too nice. It was Thanksgiving, not Christmas.

After she left her room, it didn't take her long to realize that she was the only one awake. Which worked out well for her. She could start cooking everything for Thanksgiving and no one would think she slept in.

So, that's exactly what she did. But, she couldn't stop her mind from wandering.

Would her family even want to have a Thanksgiving dinner after what happened? How awkward would it be? How uncomfortable? She shook her head, trying to rid her mind of these thoughts, so she could cook peacefully.

Everything would be all right. Things would get better.

They had too.

(Hope you enjoyed! A bit of a shorter chapter today, sorry! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

Mrs. Christmas (YANDERE! Mrs. Claus x FEMALE! reader)Where stories live. Discover now