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November 25th

Mary sat on her bed with a book lied out in front of her. She scanned the different pages, desperately trying to find what she had been looking for. The book was filled with numerous potions and spells. All of which seemed interesting, but none of which were the potion that she needed.

A soft knock on her mahogany door interrupted Mary's frantic searching. Mary shut the book and quickly pushed it under the bed before she got up and made her way to the door. Upon opening it, she didn't see anyone at first. That is, until her eyes adjusted and she saw a familiar fairy floating in front of her face.

"Tooth?" Mary asked. "You're still here?"

"Yes," Tooth nodded. She rubbed her arm sheepishly. "I hope that's not an issue."

"Oh, not at all," Mary denied before she moved to the side. "Come in." Tooth flew past her and watched as Mary shut the door behind her. "Is something wrong?"

"Well..." Tooth trailed off before clearing her throat. "I was going to ask you the same thing."

"Me?" Mary asked. "I'm perfectly fine."

"Are you sure?" Tooth asked. "Your aura has been...off, lately."

"There's nothing wrong with my aura, Tooth," Mary reassured.

Tooth huffed. "Well, what's going on with Y/N?"

Mary paused, not expecting her winged friend to bring up the human girl. "What about her?"

"You were talking to Santa about her before I had to leave the room," Tooth informed. "And, it seemed serious."

Mary let out a frustrated sigh. "Tooth..."

"You can talk to me, Mary," Tooth comforted. "You always can. I'll believe you if you say everything is fine, but if it's not...please, tell me."

Mary pondered over the tiny fairy's words. She was right. Mary had always went to Tooth for everything and vice versa. Mary did want to get some things off her chest. Things she couldn't talk about with Santa.

"Actually...there is something," Mary admitted. She gestured for Tooth to follow her to her bed. Mary sat down on the red sheets while Tooth gracefully sat down on the bed post.

"I'm all ears!" Tooth beamed.


"And, now I can't stop thinking about her!" Mary explained. She hadn't told Tooth about the breaking in, the drugged cookies, or the murders. But, she went on for what seemed like hours about Y/N.

Her hair, her eyes, her lips, her personality. Absolutely everything. She told her about the first time she ever saw Y/N and how beautiful her singing was.

"That is so cute!" Tooth exclaimed. "It's like a fairytale!"

"But, it isn't ethical," Mary stated.

Tooth paused. "It's not?"

Mary shook her head. "Apparently, it's against the rules given to us by The Council"

"Oh..." Tooth pondered that for a moment. "We really should've read that handbook..."

"I did!" Mary exclaimed. "I just forgot some things because I read it centuries ago!"

"I never read it," Tooth giggled. "The words were too big. And, I couldn't even turn the page. You'd think they'd give me a smaller one, but I guess not."

Mary felt defeated. "What do I do, Tooth?"

Tooth frowned and took Mary's pointer finger in between her small hands, in an attempt to comfort her. "There's only one thing to do."

Mrs. Christmas (YANDERE! Mrs. Claus x FEMALE! reader)Where stories live. Discover now