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December 7th

Y/N had had her fair share of awful mornings but that morning had to take the cake for the worst morning of her lifetime. It may have been the raging headache or how sluggish she felt. It also could've been a combination of both and a few other constricting factors.

Y/N found herself turning over and grabbing her pillow before placing it over her head in an attempt to block out any loud noises. The screeching of tires out on the streets and the ruckus of her family loitering about in the living room made her ears ring and caused a serious throbbing sensation in her brain.

"Fuck," Y/N mumbled. What had she done to make her feel like a literal train wreck?

Oh, right.

She wondered if she should get up or decide to retire from life for a day and just sleep. One of the options was much more appealing to the young woman, but she knew which one was the most responsible - and polite.

With a desolate groan, Y/N reluctantly lifted herself from her comfortable fortress of solitude. She stretched and sighed dramatically as her back and limbs popped. Scratching the back of her head, she found herself aimlessly standing in the middle of her bedroom floor with her mother's old quilt wrapped around her.

Her head pounded against her skull and her eyes grew droopy as she massaged her temple. Maybe...going back to bed wouldn't be the worst idea. Y/N shook her head before instantly regretting the spontaneous head movement seeing as it had only increased her pain.

Her head slowly turned to face her vanity where she immediately took notice to her clothing. A ruby red, silk robe was draped around her body and cascaded down to her knees. She didn't remember changing when she got home. In fact, she didn't even remember getting home. She did know one thing for certain...she did not own this robe.

She dropped the quilt and let it hit the floor - where Pawsley quickly made himself comfortable - and headed towards her bathroom. As her hand made contact with the knob, it turned within her palm causing her to step backwards in sudden surprise.

"Mary," Y/N breathed out in relief once she had caught sight of the rare beauty in the doorway.

"Y/N?" Mary asked. "What are you doing up?"

"Well, I was..." Y/N bit her lip and glanced back at her unmade bed. "It doesn't matter, I'm just-" Y/N sighed and simply threw her arms around Mary's waist to pull her into a tight embrace. "I'm just so glad you're here."

Mary's lips stretched into a smile as she returned the hug and gently traced circles on her lower back. "My dear, I always am."

Y/N let her head rest against Mary's chest, not wanting to remove herself from the comforting position. "I know," Y/N spoke softly. "I...I really need to talk to you."


"I think I made some really dumb decisions, last night." Y/N whispered, hints of shame and embarrassment sprinkled over her voice. "B-But, I just can't remember." She pulled away from the embrace with her hands still resting on Mary's waist. "I'm just...like-" Y/N attempted to recall anything from the previous night, but came up empty-handed. "M-Mary, I'm freaking out, right now."

"Hey, hey," Mary soothed, her voice kind and assuring as her hands cupped Y/N's cheeks. "Just take a deep breath for me, all right?" Y/N nodded and carefully followed Mary's instructions.

"Okay," Y/N chewed on her bottom lip. "B-But, I still have so many questions. I mean..." Y/N gestured down to her body. "How the hell did I get in this?"

Mrs. Christmas (YANDERE! Mrs. Claus x FEMALE! reader)Where stories live. Discover now