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"JB, come on," Aunt Raven urged as she rushed him out of the house. "We're already way too late."

"Oh, Y/N, will be fine without us," Uncle JB rolled his eyes as he began putting their bags in the back of the car. "I don't see why we have to go, anyways."

"Because, she's our niece and she hasn't seen us for an entire year," Aunt Raven informed. "Besides, the whole family is going. It would be indecent for us to go without a valid reason."

"I have a valid reason," Uncle JB said. Aunt Raven gave him a concerned look. "I don't want to go. Besides, she's not my blood-related niece."

"What is your problem with her?" Aunt Raven asked. "She has never done anything to you."

"She makes everything more difficult than it has to be," Uncle JB stated. "She's the only family member that decided to move away from home and now we all have to go out of our way to see her."

"Oh, you're so ridiculous," Aunt Raven huffed. "She's the only one of us that managed to get out of this god forsaken town. And, I applaud her for that. Now, get in the car and fix your attitude."


"Fix it." Mary demanded as she stormed into Santa's office. He sat at his desk, drinking a cup of milk and looking over the list.

Santa looked up at his wife and caught sight of his snow globe, which she held in her hand. "What are you doing with that?"

"That's none of your business," Mary stated. "Why isn't it working, anymore? It just looks like a normal snow globe."

"I turned off its abilities," Santa answered. "Because, I thought someone had stolen it."

"Well, turn it back on!" Mary demanded.

"What were you looking at?" Santa asked. "Why do you need my snow globe?"

Mary glared at him. "It's something important. You're just going to have to trust me on this one."

Santa hesitated, before complying and snapping his fingers. The snow globe tore away from the winter scene and back onto the aunt and uncle of Y/N. Mary smiled and ran off before Santa could see what she was looking at.

She walked through the workshop, her eyes glued to the scene of Aunt Raven and Uncle JB's drive towards Y/N's home. She listened intently to their conversation, off-put by the way JB spoke about Y/N.

"I mean, this is utterly ridiculous," JB snapped, crossing his arms as he turned his attention onto the road and away from his wife who was driving the car. "I'm pissed."

"I can tell," Raven said with an aggravated sigh. "You know, just because she isn't your blood-related niece, doesn't mean you can talk about her like this."

"She's selfish," JB said. "She only thinks about herself."

Mary furrowed her eyebrows as she opened her bedroom door, walked in, and closed it behind her. She flopped down onto her bed, trying to wrap her head around the words that the man was saying.

Selfish? That just didn't make sense to the legendary figure. Y/N couldn't possibly be selfish. If anything, she was selfless. Mary admitted that she had only been watching Y/N for a day and a half, but every action she had seen from her was incredibly kind and admirable.

She dropped everything she was doing to go see her friend when he wanted to talk her. She graciously let 32 people into her home, without complaint. And, didn't hesitate to spend her money, so her family would have places to sleep, food to eat, and entertainment to keep them happy. And, that wasn't even counting the things that she hadn't seen.

To Mary, that seemed the furthest from selfish that you could get. And, a newfound anger grew inside of her with each passing second. The disrespect, the lies...

That's what it was. It was lies. Y/N was nothing like JB described her. And, as the severity of his words sunk in, Mary knew she had to do something. But, what?

What could Mary possibly do? JB was a grown adult, she couldn't exactly convince Santa to leave coal in his stocking. Even if she could, she felt that he deserved something worse than that.

Mary shrugged the thought from her mind and changed the location of the snow globe, so she could watch Y/N, instead of her lowlife uncle. Mary understood why Santa had been watching this girl. She really was so fascinating.

But, Mary couldn't deny that she found her actions to be a little creepy. Watching someone every waking second without their consent. Stalking them. Well, maybe not stalking. That was a little extreme. Mary wasn't a stalker.

She just had a new hobby. A new interest. It was perfectly fine. Besides, Mary was only watching Y/N to look out for her. If anything, she was doing Y/N a favor. Besides, it's not like human laws applied to her. She was a legendary figure. She didn't have to worry about consequences.

She could stalk, she could steal...she could murder.

Of course, she wouldn't. But, she could.

And, no one would know.

She wouldn't get caught.

She could kill.

(Hope you enjoyed it! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

Mrs. Christmas (YANDERE! Mrs. Claus x FEMALE! reader)Where stories live. Discover now