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December 1st

Y/N looked over at her alarm clock only to see it was five minutes before she had set it to go off. 5:55 AM. Y/N stopped it from beeping before pushing her comforter off her body and standing from her bed. She had been up since 4 AM seeing as she found it impossible to fall back asleep. She blamed that on the events from the previous day.

She had been thinking about Mary. Part of her was terrified of the woman, but the other half was incredibly intrigued. How often do you find a woman that can disappear right before your eyes? She didn't think it was possible. She wanted to know how she did it, but she wasn't sure when she would see her again.

Y/N had many questions for Mary. Questions about her issue, of course. However, she also had many questions about Mary, herself. How did she teleport? How did she know about what was happening to Y/N? Why was she helping her? Where did she come from?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a soft meow coming from her left. Pawsley sat on her bed, looking up at in curiosity. Y/N smiled as she gently scratched behind his ears. "Good morning, Pawsley."

Pawsley licked her pointer finger with his rough tongue as a sign of affection. "Y'know, oddly enough you're one of the only normal parts of my life that I have left."

Pawsley tilted his head, slowly blinking his eyes in response. Y/N smiled. "Guess I really am crazy, huh?"

Pawsley lied back down and closed his eyes. Y/N decided to let him rest while she got ready for the day. She grabbed a random outfit before walking into her bathroom. She was quickly reminded of the...incident.

Y/N gulped as she took in the hole that resided in her wall. It seemed to have grown in size, but that could've just been her scrambled brain playing tricks on her. She glanced down at her hands, closing them tightly as if she were afraid that it would happen again. She felt like a freak.

The more she thought about it, the more her mood declined. The idea that she could be the only person in the entire world that this had happened to made her dread her own existence. Taking a glance in the mirror, she wasn't surprised to see that her eyes had, once again, changed.

They were now a neutral flaxen color with specks of ginger dotted around her iris. "Great," Y/N muttered as she picked up her tooth brush. "How am I supposed to hide this?"

Shaking her head, she brushed it off and focused on getting ready. She finished her morning routine with ease, topping it off by slipping into her outfit. She looked back at the hole in the wall with an uncertain amount of disdain. "That's going to cost a hell of a lot to fix."

She opened her bathroom door and came to an immediate halt at the sight before her. There she was. The tall woman was stretched out on her bed, gently caressing Pawsley as he nuzzled against her.

Y/N's breath caught in her throat when her eyes trailed to Mary's outfit. A red wine flannel with the top three buttons not done and a pair of white jeans that accentuated her curves. Y/N gulped before clearing her throat to catch the serene woman's attention.

Mary's eyes landed on Y/N and she too felt breathless when she saw the young woman's clothing choice. A tight-fitted basil colored shirt with a pair of black leggings. It was modest, but Mary couldn't help her imagination.

"You're here?" Y/N asked. "At such an early hour?"

"You're up, aren't you?" Mary retorted.

"Well, yes," Y/N awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck. "I just...didn't think you'd come."

"Now, why would you think that?" Mary questioned. Y/N took notice of the way Mary pet Pawsley, while also keeping her conversation with Y/N steady.

"I..." Y/N sighed before hesitantly sitting at the bottom of her bed. She avoided eye contact. "I guess...I kind of thought that you weren't real."

Mrs. Christmas (YANDERE! Mrs. Claus x FEMALE! reader)Where stories live. Discover now