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The sound of police sirens echoed down the country road, as the officers caught sight of the horribly damaged car. Upside down in the middle of a trench.

The desperate moans and pleas of a woman could be heard. Faint and quiet as she pleaded for help. Deep cries and mournful groans entered through the ears of the police officers standing on the road above her.

"My husband," She sobbed. "S-someone help my husband!"


Y/N gasped as she was shaken from her trance by her cousin. Elena stared back at her, concern measuring her features. "You were in another world for a second there."

"Yeah, everything okay?" Thalia, Elena's sister, chimed in.

Y/N gulped. "Uh, yeah. I just...thought I saw something."

"Uh oh," Jeanette, the third Perry sister, stated. "Looks like Y/N has finally lost her marbles."

"You got that right!" Brock cut in, as he stirred his spaghetti onto his fork. "Moving to the big city and living by herself has finally gotten to her." He turned to Y/N. "Ain't that right, lil sis?"

"Not funny, Brock," Y/N snapped at her older brother. "And I don't live alone. I have Pawsley."

"That cat's still alive?" Valeria asked.

"How?" Ella exclaimed. "He's easily 50 years old."

"He's only 10, Ella!" Y/N informed. She huffed and crossed her arms.

"Don't pay them any mind, Y/N," Lucas spoke up. Lucas was the second youngest, so he tended to side with Y/N during sibling disputes. Lucas pushed up his glasses as he sent a taunting smile towards the three older siblings. "They're simply jealous that they don't have a house all to themselves."

"Shut up, Lucas," Valeria huffed. "Just because you're some doctor with a degree doesn't mean you get to act superior to us."

"But, I simply am," Lucas shrugged, with a mischievous grin.

"You've always been too proud," Ella said as she pointed her fork accusingly at him. "You're not the only successful member of this family."

Lucas chuckled, glancing at his wife, Maya, who sat next to him with a faint smile upon her face. Lucas turned back to his three older siblings. "It's so easy to get you three riled up. You were too caught up in your own feelings to see that I was joking."

"Okay, okay," Tiana cut in. "Now, that's enough of the fighting. You five haven't changed a bit since when you were kids."

"That's ridiculous, Mom," Ella rolled her eyes. "We're all more mature. Well, except for Lucas and Y/N."

"Hey!" Lucas and Y/N snapped.

"Honey, do you hear them?" Tiana asked, turning to her husband. He looked up at her with a noodle hanging out the side of his mouth, confusion written across his features.


Tiana scoffed and crossed her arms. "All you think about is food. Can't even stop eating for two seconds to listen to your children fighting."

"Oh, darlin'," Henry smiled. "Don't be too mad at me, now."

Tiana rolled her eyes at her husband, trying to hold back a smile. "Can't we just enjoy a family meal without fighting?"

"Probably not," Robin, one of Y/N's cousins, said.

"I don't think that's possible for our family," Katie, Robin's sister, pointed out.

Mrs. Christmas (YANDERE! Mrs. Claus x FEMALE! reader)Where stories live. Discover now