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"Auntie Y/N!"

"Wake up!"

Y/N eyes groggily opened and her vision slowly  revealed 3 of her nieces. MJ, or Mary Joe, was the 6-year-old daughter of Y/N's sister Valeria and her husband, Will. Then, there was Cameron L/N, Serena and Brock's 7-year-old daughter. And, finally, Sara L/N, Lucas and Maya's 3-year-old daughter.

"Grandma Tia is taking everyone out to eat" Cameron said.

"What?" Y/N asked, immediately waking up at the sudden mention of food.

"Auntie! Hurry" Sara urged, gently tugging on Y/N's fingers in an attempt to get her out of bed.

"Mommy says that Aunt Y/N always oversleeps." MJ stated.

Y/N's head snapped in the direction of her sisters daughter. "She said that?"

"Yup yup yup!" MJ beamed as she jumped in circles around Y/N's bedroom.

Y/N pulled her covers off and stomped out of the room, towards the living room where Valeria was slipping into a pair of black flats.

"Val," Y/N began. Her older sister turned to face her and smiled.

"Well, good morning, sleepy head," Valeria said.

"MJ told me about your little comment," Y/N playfully spat.

MJ came running into the room, giggling as she jumped into Valeria's arms. Valeria kissed her daughter on the cheek before turning back to face her sister.

"I mean, it's true, isn't it?" Valeria asked with a smirk. "It's 10:30 and you just woke up."

"Ugh, whatever," Y/N huffed as she turned and stormed off into her room, almost as if she were a teenager again.

"Dress decently!" Valeria called. "Mom's taking the whole family somewhere nice for breakfast."

"Oh, yeah?" Y/N asked. "Then, where's your outfit?" Valeria gasped in fake offense and Y/N laughed, knowing that Valeria was already wearing it.

Y/N closed her bedroom door and locked it, leaving her alone in her room, minus her cat who sat on the bed. Y/N huffed. "It's weird having other people in the house." She made eye contact with Pawsley who meowed. "You think so too, huh?"

She turned to her closet and began sorting through the many outfits, most of which she had never worn or only worn once. She decided on a long sleeve red dress with a white, lace trim that accented the shape of her body.

Y/N slipped the dress over her head and let it fall around her torso, before slipping on a pair of black flats. Gazing into the mirror, she couldn't help but feel like something was missing. That's when she caught sight of the small box on her shelf.

Turning to Pawsley, she asked. "Should I wear them?"  Pawsley purred in response causing Y/N to nod. "I'll take that as a "yes""

Y/N took out the icicle earrings and put them on. Taking one last glance at the mirror, she smiled and turned to leave her room.


"Oh, Y/N, honey," Tiana began. "Those earrings are absolutely darling on you. Where did you get them?"

"Oh," Y/N chuckled. "They were a gift."

"I've never seen anything like them," Ella chimed in.

"Someone gave you one-of-a-kind earrings?" Audrey asked in disbelief. "No fair! I've had plenty of secret admirers and all I've gotten were lousy notes."

"Secret admirer?" Valeria asked. "You've got a secret admirer?"

"What?" Y/N asked. "I never-"

"Well, who's the lucky guy?" Lucas asked.

Y/N paused as a sudden realization hit her. She had never come out to her family.

She liked girls. Only girls. She had found out shortly after moving away from her small home town. And, she had been living her life completely out to everyone...except her family.

She had never introduced one of her girlfriends to her family. Mostly because they never went further than a few dates. Definitely not enough to bring her parents into the picture.

It wasn't like her family was homophobic. Truth be told, she had no idea if they were. But, that wasn't why she didn't tell them.

She had forgotten. It hadn't even crossed her mind until now. Y/N fidgeted with the hem of her dress as the intensity of the situation finally settled in. Now, she had to worry about coming out, as well as the already stressful event of housing 32 people.

"Duh, she doesn't know," Audrey rolled her eyes. "Come on, Uncle Lucas. It's a secret. That's why they call it a "secret admirer""

"So, there is a guy?" Katie cut in, sending a cheeky look to Y/N.

"A guy?" Brock asked, growing protective of his younger sister. "Oh no. I'm gonna have to meet this boy before anything happens."

"Guys, calm down!" Y/N exclaimed. "There is no-"

"Hey, there!" A new voice joined the conversation. "My name is Irene and I'll be your waitress today. Are you guys ready to order?"

The big family looked up at the waitress who appeared to be in her early 20's. Y/N smiled at the girl in front of her. She carried a notepad, with a pen tucked behind her ear. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a neat bun, and her blue eyes sparkled with joy.

"Yes, we are,"


"All right, I've got your number," Y/N giggled as she put her phone back in her pocket.

"Okay, I'll call you," Irene smiled before walking back into the restaurant that she worked in.

Y/N smiled to herself before walking towards the car that her parents waited for her in.


Y/N hung her coat up on the coat rack and slipped her shoes off by the door as the sound of someone's phone echoed through her house. The phone belonged to Thalia, Y/N's cousin and the eldest daughter of Raven and JB.

Thalia answered the phone, not recognizing the number, which put her on edge. "Hello?"

"Who is it?" Y/N asked.

Thalia shrugged and continued listening to the person on the other end. "Yes. This is their eldest daughter."

The family gathered around Thalia, growing concerned and curious as they listened to the conversation.

Thalia's face fell. "Wh-what?" She stayed quiet before hanging up the phone.

Thalia turned to her sisters, Elena and Jeanette. She bit her lip and held back tears. "It's mom and dad."

(Hope you enjoyed it! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

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