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"How do I look? Obviously amazing".

I smirk as Robert comes out from the adjourning room where I'd given him his clothes to change into. "Very nice Mr Downey". I tease while making some adjustments, knowing full well that he hates me calling him that.
I've been styling some of the biggest names in Hollywood like his for a few years now, gradually working my way up. Styling Downey has been probably my biggest breakthrough and on occasion Scarlett. My schedule is the busiest it has ever been and I honestly have no idea how many air miles I've done this year alone.

Too many to count that's for sure.

"What can I say? You always hit the mark". Robert smirks and put on the watch I've picked out as well as his trademark shades.

"Hey I try". I grin, hearing the knock on the door to the hotel room and going to open it. It would probably only be more of Robert's team anyway, but I'm surprised to see that instead of security or his publicist, a woman is standing there.

"Can I steal her just for a minute?" She asks, ignoring me and calling through to Robert.

"It'll cost you Meg". He points in mock accusation to her.

Meg...Megan. Wait, I know exactly who this woman is, with her now turning to me. "Sorry, I'm Megan, I work for Chris".

Already guessed it but the real question playing on my mind is why is she here? And why does she want to steal me?

"Riiiiight..." I nod, still not knowing why I'm needed for someone who isn't actually my client.

Chris and I had been classmates at school, even sitting together in a couple of lessons, however he'd not given me the time of day - only talking to me a couple of times and that was it. Probably because I rarely uttered a word to anyone, and was ignored, but that's how I liked it. I wasn't popular or a geek, I just blended in with the crowd. I haven't crossed paths with him personally since graduation - well, not until now so it seems.

"We wondered whether you had anything that you could dress Chris in? The truth is we're not happy with what the current stylist has brought and were hoping you could step in and advise?"

I nod. "I always have a few different sizes of things on me, I'll come see what his one has and see whether I can mix it up a little - if there's anything to work with that is?"

Megan shakes her head. "At this point it feels like a lost cause, she's new but the vision and style just isn't...Chris, thanks we'd really appreciate it, are you done with Robert? Sorry I didn't ask".

"Yeah we're wrapped up". He answers before I can, "But if Liliana makes him look better than me then she's fired!"

"Oh shut up, you'd be lost without me making you look good" I laugh and walk out, following Megan down the hallway to the elevator that we take up a couple of floors to Chris's room.

Megan knocks on the door, security promptly opening it to let us in. "Ok, I've found someone who could help". She announces as she walks further in, with me just traipsing behind . It's strange to think that this is where we've both ended up, but now I come face to face with him, it's nice to see him again all the same. "This is Liliana, she styles Downey so I thought she'd be good to come and take a look". Megan continues.

Chris turns now, eyes resting on me before scratching the back of his neck. "Well, anything's better than some of the stuff I've had to try on so far". He lightly jests, but I can tell he's stressed and perhaps a little anxious. It is only a an hour or so until he walks the red carpet with the others and I can't imagine how nerve wracking that must be. I mean, I'm there but obviously on the sidelines in case of any outfit malfunctions, but that's as far as it goes.

"It's fine, let me see what I'm working with and then I'll go see what I have if I need to". 

It's pretty obvious I'll have to, and I can tell that this stylist will probably be out of the job come tomorrow, maybe sooner if Megan and the rest of his team has anything to do with it.

She's nowhere in sight from what I can see, so maybe they've sent her out for now.

I have a look through the clothes, noting the sizes and then telling them I'll be back, heading down to the room and getting what I need. "Let me guess, he's gonna have to go...naked". Robert smirks.

"Well it'll certainly give the film a shit load of publicity" I chuckle, grabbing the last things I need. "Although I think he's gonna be down a stylist come tomorrow".

"Tragic. Just as well we have our saviour that is you" He snaps his fingers and points to me. "Like i said, you make him look better and I'm so firing your ass".

"Fine, you can have his stylist and he can have me" I challenge.

He looks shocked, but then accepts this. "I mean it's Evans, why wouldn't he have you?"

"Shut up and drink that whiskey" I smirk, ignoring the comment and returning to see whether I can salvage this. "Right". I say, handing him the clothes. "Go change into these and we'll see whether it's all downhill from here".

He lets out a small laugh and goes into the next room while I stand there waiting. Megan is busy talking to someone on her phone so I just stare around the room until Chris comes back out again.

"A bit more 'you'?" I now question, straightening his tie and making adjustments while he looks at the attire in the mirror.

"Sure is". He looks a mixture of relief and happiness which puts my mind at ease.

"Nothing too tight? or loose or anything?" I ask, wanting to be sure.

He shakes his head. "Nope, no it's all good. I'm liking it - kind of a blue that reminds me of Cap".

This hadn't been intentional but I had just thought it would suit him rather than the colour he'd had on originally. "Well as long as you're happy. I'm going to be at the premiere anyway, so if we need to make any quick adjustments". I shrug, gathering what I haven't used. "It was nice seeing you again". I say, wondering whether he'll remember me.

"Huh?" He frowns.

Just as I suspected, he doesn't and now I probably look like a nut job to him. "You know what? Never mind..." I say. "Erm...so yeah..."I give an awkward wave as I go to leave.

"Wait? What did you say your name was again?" He asks as I turn and smile lightly, knowing there probably isn't a point considering he doesn't really remember. But it's been years, I suppose I can forgive him for that.

"Liliana". I tell him and leave before he can ask anything else.

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