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My hands shake as I try my best to keep my composure, Lisa not having noticed anything as she hugs me and we head into the kitchen. I was already halfway through making lunch, my mind elsewhere to the point where I almost stabbed myself in the finger. It was the only thing keeping me busy, and I'm hoping that will continue until she leaves.

This is the worst timing ever.

"Are you alright? You're not sickening for something are you?" She now asks, clearly sensing I'm not myself

I smile and shake my head. "I'm alright, just waiting on Chris to actually come home. He should be back late afternoon so he told me last night". I tell her, although I'm sure that he spoke to her after he got off the phone with me.

"You say he needs to slow down but what about you? Jet lag is obviously kicking your butt". She notes.

Thanks for telling me in the nicest and most subtle way possible that I look like shit, Lisa.

"I will, unfortunately in my line of work I'm always on the go". I tell her, "I have the Grammys and The Brit Awards soon and they're always early starts". Multiple clients and only a limited amount of time. I'm always in bed early on those days.

She eyes me knowingly. "And when you guys finally settle? Will you be slowing down then?"

I nod. "I'm gonna have to at some point. Less clients and more time here. I've been doing this for years so the time will come". Now setting some coffee down in front of her before resuming making lunch for us - although if I'm honest? My appetite has diminished from earlier.

"I know your mom's eager for you to do so..."

Ah yes. My mother. I rarely tell her much, knowing how much she's gagging to finally marry me off and have the grandkids that she's been banging on about for the last ten years of my life. Now it's all coming together she's aware of who I'm dating, and has briefly met Chris while coming over to bring me a few bits I had left when I stayed there last. Thankfully she was on her best behaviour but I still haven't told her about our plans. I'd never hear the end of it.

"She has been for years". I state, bringing the plates over and settling down on one of the stools across from her. "So much that it's got to the point where I feel I can't really tell her anything without her becoming to overbearing".

"She just wants the best for you, she told me herself when we were at work the other day. It's a Mom thing. We all worry about our kids and wanting the best for them - no doubt you'll be the same when you finally have your own".

Aaaaaand we're going to end the conversation right here before we go too deep.

Time to eat I think.


It's just after five when Chris finally comes home, Lisa having left a couple of hours earlier which has given me the time to try and clear my already fuzzy head.

"Lilana". I hear him call teasingly from the hallway, Dodger barking excitedly. "I'm home, hey bubba..." he now greets his little bestie before calling me again. "Lilana?"

"In the bedroom!" I finally call out.

He chuckles at this. "Wearing nothing I hope?"

"Unfortunately for you I'm dressed". I laugh lightly, hearing him come down the hall and now appear in the doorway. I hug him tightly, looking up as he plants a kiss on my lips.

"Hey you". He murmurs.

"Hey". I feel the anxiety that's been present all day begin to seep away at his touch.

He keeps a hold of me. "You alright? You're shaking?" Now looking down at me concerned.

I nod. "Fine, just glad you're finally home and we can have you to ourselves..." Now leaning down and ruffling Dodger's fur as he's all but trying to jump up at us both. I pull away and head to the bathroom, coming out and passing Chris what I went in to retrieve. "All three of us..."

He looks at the object in his hand and then laughs to himself in disbelief, looking at me. "You're serious? You're absolutely serious?"

I nod, glancing to the test in his hands. "I took it this morning, then had to act like everything was ok while your mom was here, but my head's just been spinning all day". I say, my hands shaking from excitement and nervousness.

"Well shit". He says in a daze. "It's happening. It's actually happening". Now pulling me into him and kissing me deeply, then getting down to his knees and pressing a kiss to my stomach. I stroke through his hair as I look down at him, his eyes flickering up to meet mine.

We're lost for words, but right now no words are needed, just the feeling of pure bliss - and the time for us to enjoy what we've wanted before we even think about telling anyone else the news.

It's our little secret.

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