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"Does this outfit mean you're gonna be sucking the life outta me tonight?" I feel Chris's arms slide around my waist as I'm finishing getting ready for the party. It's just a vampire costume, but apparently to him it's a cause to make 'sucking' jokes.

I smirk. "Only if you behave".

He's opted to go as Indiana Jones and I've never been so turned on.

"When do I ever do that?" He buries his face into my neck.

"Now who's being a vampire? I think we need to swap costumes?" I point out, knowing that he'd pull off the drag look anyway.

He chuckles and lets go of me so as I can finish my make up, checking his phone and then howling with laughter. "Look what the hell Scott chose to wear". Showing me the picture of his brother dressed up as the Lord Farquaad mascot from Shrek.

I almost choke laughing. "He really went all out! Is there a competition I'm not aware of?"

"He likes to try and outdo us all when it comes to the costume game". He explains. "Every year it gets more interesting".

Well, if that's the case it makes me wonder just what else is up Scott's sleeve when it comes to parties like this.

We make our way over to Lisa's with Dodger in tow - we'd dressed him up earlier however he was so unimpressed he ended up ripping the costume to shit. It's been left in pieces around the living room. He bounds off immediately to play with the kids while Lisa ushers us in and grabs us some drinks.

All I can see in the middle of the living room is the massive Lord Farquaad mascot head bobbing around to the music.

Despite knowing the family somewhat, this is the first time I've properly met all of them outside of work, and the anxiety is rising within me. I think Chris can sense this as he takes my had and gives it a squeeze, leaning into me. "It's alright, they love you already".

"They've not even met me yet". I point out quietly.

"Relax" He presses his lips to my head, knowing that despite the recent change in our relationship, that I still find things like this overwhelming. 

It's not long before Scott clocks us and comes over, the mascot head swaying from side to side and almost knocking against the light fixtures. If one of those comes down then Lisa is gonna be pissed. "You made it!" He pulls the head off and grins. 

"Well we weren't gonna stay home". Chris rolls his eyes. "Seriously? Farquaad". 

"At least mine's not generic - no offence Lili" Scott points out and then quickly apologies. 

I brush it off. "Trust me, I'd rather this and not stand out". I don't exactly want to be the focus of the night, or have any attention put on it, hence the typical costume. Although I know there's going to be talk about me, I can already see some people glancing over and then turning back to exchange comments. Probably wondering why an outsider like me is with someone like Chris. 

The overwhelming and familiar form of shyness comes over me again and I keep close to Chris, all the while discreetly looking for an exit. His arm moves around me, sensing how tense I must feel against him. "You need five minutes?" He asks quietly and I nod, him now telling Scott that we'll be back and retreating upstairs into the bathroom. 

"Sorry" I apologise, perching on the edge of the bath. 

"Hey, it's fine, as long as you're ok?" He crouches down and looks up at me. "I promise they don't bite". 

I nod. "I know. It's just...It's been a while since I've actually met family and stuff like this. You know how I was at the reunion?"

"I know, and I felt it too when I was there, but you're doing great. Honestly they know everything about you and love you already. They're all looking forward to meeting you not as my stylist, but as my girl". 

His girl. 

I want to melt. 

I've never really felt like anyone's before - not properly. Perhaps it's because past relationships never lasted long enough to warrant meeting families and getting serious. 

I smile lightly and nod. "Ok". 

He leans in and kisses me gently. "Now...what's it gonna take to get the vamp outta you?" Eyeing me deviously. 

We both stand up and I throw him a look as my hands go to his belt and start to undo it. "Not much - you better have locked the door, I don't wanna be meeting family on my knees..." 

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