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After the filming for Jimmy Kimmel, we're back in LA ready for the Lightyear premiere.

I have to admit that what I've put Chris in? Plus what I have planned for the London premiere? It's gonna kill everyone stone dead, including me.

"Wow, this is different" . He states as he looks at himself and I once again fuss over the tiniest of things.

"A more mature look for a mature you". I say.

He chuckles. "I like it - didn't think I'd suit anything like this".

"Good, because I'm putting you more stuff like it - expect the unexpected". I smirk as he now looks around in case anyone is watching us and then leans in, giving me small and secret kiss before we can be caught.

This is what it's probably going to be like all over again, acting like two giggly teenagers making eyes at one another and sneaking off - a bold move considering what happened, but if I'm honest? I'm not getting any younger - the whole thing making me reconsider my priorities. I do want to settle, I want children.

I want it with him and he's all but stated that he wants it with me.

He groans slightly as I pull away. "I could be here spending the rest of the day in bed with you, but instead you're gonna be taunting me while I talk to reporters".

I shrug. "You have to turn up to your own premiere", now popping his sunglasses on. "And taunting? I swear with some of things I have planned to style you in? It's gonna be purely for the benefit of my ovaries".

If I have any left...

He kisses my forehead while I toy with some of the buttons on his shirt, and then leans in again to whisper to me. "So let me impregnate you before they're destroyed".

I think they just combusted for sure...

"In good time". I assure him, "But right now you have work to do".

Lisa and the rest of the family will be there, having flown out the day before. I haven't seen them, but I know they're in the same hotel. Once again I'll just be there in the background and hoping that she doesn't catch on that something had reignited - nor what we've been talking about.
I have no idea what they all thought when we finished things before and I don't really want to find out. Of course Chris would have told her everything, but would she have seen my side of things?

Only time will tell, and the time is now.

"See you there". I say as I get the text that my car is waiting. I'll be going with some of the other security and will be there before him.

"If you rip your pants then it's on you". I warn as I go to leave.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?"

I lean against the door frame and throw him a rather seductive look. "Only if it's me doing the ripping", and then quickly leave before he can say anymore.

Chris: Did you just flirt ghost me?!

Yes. I did 😏

Chris: You just made a big mistake Lilana...

Just as well we have time after to rectify the situation then. 🤷‍♀️

I arrive at the venue and it's not long before Chris does to the familiar screams of fans and media alike. Scott has come with him and now clocks me as I walk over, getting excited and giving me a hug.

"Oh my god! Hi!" He says and now studies me. "You look great!"

"So do you, Steve around?" I ask about his boyfriend.

"With mom and the others, you coming to say hi?" He asks.

I glance across, seeing Chris now talking with some reporters. "I'm working, but I'll come see them all once we're inside". I promise.

"Good. She's missed you". Scott says and now goes to have some pictures taken with Steve on the carpet.

I head down the carpet, Lisa now clocking me and stopping me. "Liliana!" She envelopes me in a warm hug. "How are you? Chris told me that you're back styling him again".

Lets hope that's all he's told you Lisa...

"Yeah...apparently no one else compares". I shrug it off with a smile.

She grins. "Well had you have seen how he's been since you guys spilt? It's true. I just hope that everything is ok with you both now".

Somehow she knows it is, but wants to hear it from me.

"It is". I smile and glance back to where Chris is. "It just wasn't our time then".

"Well, maybe it's now". She rubs my arm comfortingly and then heads off to be shown inside.


I exhale and go inside to get a drink (never had sex on the beach at a premiere - is now a good time to start?) and find where I'll be sat for the film - and low and behold I'm with the Evans mafia. History repeating itself all over again.

We make small talk until Chris and the rest of the cast come in, introduce the film and then settle down to watch. 


"Was I your favourite?" He asks me later as he manages to find a moment to come over and see me.

"Sorry, but Sox kinda stole the show for me". I grin and hug him. "It was great, congratulations".

He keeps a tight grasp around my waist. "Thanks Lili - you wanna get outta here?"

I frown. "Don't you have some more people to speak to?"

"Only a couple, but then I'm free as a bird after that". He smiles.

"Well then, I'll leave now and see you back at the hotel".

He nods, knowing we need to be discreet. If the media picture us leaving together then once again privacy is invaded. This time we're going to do things our way, have the time together we deserve and not care if anyone thinks it's too fast or soon. It's no one else but us. 

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