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Who doesn't love a midnight snack? They bring excitement, you can switch it up anyway you want, and if you're craving a certain something that just happens to be there? Well that makes things ten times better.

This man?

He is a total snack - as well as claiming to be starved himself. Well up until an hour ago when he once again sunk his teeth into me. I'm gonna have trouble sitting for the next few days purely down to the fact he's left bites over my ass. Some are gonna be bruised to hell.

Now he collapses next to me after finishing another round of 'snack sex', both of us staring up into the darkness of his hotel suite until he pulls me close to him. "Now I'll probably be able to sleep a lot better". Pressing his lips to my forehead.

"I'm sure you'd have done so without me being here".

He keeps a firm hold on my body. "Sometimes it's easier with someone there - usually Dodge is sprawled across me so I have that comfort, but when I'm away? It's a little harder to switch off".

"I'm used to being by myself. I think that's why I have no trouble". I say.

Even I have to admit that waking up next to him was a little foreign for me, especially since it's been a while since another person shared my bed. If he's serious in wanting to date then it should become somewhat normal, however I'm still a little dubious as to how this is going to work.

He studies my hand that's entwined with his, then tracing his fingers around the inside of my palm. "Do you prefer it?"

"What? Waking up alone?"


I think for a minute. "It depends on the day", now moving and crawling over him. "Today's not one of those days though".

He takes my face in his hands and lifts his neck up slightly so he can kiss me. "I'm glad, coz the way this is going? I wanna wake up to you more..." Flipping me over so I'm now back under him and kissing his way down my chest to my stomach. I close my eyes and savour each one until he lays back down with me.

"We should really sleep, otherwise both of us will look and feel dead in a few hours".

Today is a day I'm cursing the early morning wake up call, even if it is just because we're heading home.

"Mmmm" Is all he replies with in a newly found sleepy state, strong arms wrapping around me more so that even if I wanted to get up, I have no chance.

Just as well I'm too comfortable move.

"You should come back to Boston with me". He suggests a few minutes later after I took the silence as an indication that we should sleep.

"As much as I'd like to? I can't. I have a few more clients to work with - including you and your brother, before Thanksgiving". I tell him. He and Scott have an appearance on Jimmy Fallon lined up, so I'll be in charge of dressing not one but two Evans. "I'll be back for that though".

"What about Halloween?"

I turn my head to look at him through the darkness. "What about it?"

"I'm guessing you won't be back for that?"

"Probably not. Easier for me to be in New York than keep going back and forth". I admit, but I can tell that he's disappointed. "Why?"

There's a pause before he speaks again. "Was kinda hoping you'd come with me to the family Halloween party".

Oh hell. I don't do well at social gatherings, even if I did manage to make it through the reunion. What's more is that there probably won't be any cocktails to see me through.

"I'll have to check my diary. I might be able to squeeze it in".

"It's fine. I just didn't know if you were spending it alone". He says, accepting that I probably won't make it. Even if I did meet them briefly at the premiere, my anxiety about seeing them again is slowly creeping.

Who would he introduce me as? His date? His friend? His stylist?! They already know that, but it would be too early to properly meet them as more than just his stylist surely? I'm not even sure whether his mom knows just how close he actually are.

If I go to this party? She soon will unless he's already spoke with her about things that are happening between us - minus the sex part.

"That's sweet of you". I now answer his earlier question about being alone. "I've had plenty of Halloween's just watching scary movies and getting drunk though - you don't have to worry about me".

I'm nothing special after all, even if he thinks otherwise. I'm certainly not going to stop him from ever spending time with family at things such as this, but it's nice that he wants to include me into these so early on.

Probably the first form of acceptance I've really had in a long time when it comes to a guy. Then again, I think dating Chris is certainly going to be a different ball game than the others.

His head rests next to mine. "If it's any consolation, we wouldn't stay all night if you didn't want to - the whole getting drunk to scary movies sounds fucking great".

We both chuckle to ourselves at this."would it help if I checked now?"

"I'd sleep better knowing whether you were coming or not".

"I think we both established that I came quite a bit tonight" I throw back a statement that I'd never have the balls to before, but with him? It just feels comfortable to do so.

He laughs at this and steals a kiss on my neck. "Good to know I'm doing something right".

Reaching for my phone, I check my diary and see the day before as well as Halloween is fairly free with appointments that I can easily change. Glancing to Chris, I smile to myself.

"Looks like I'd better find myself a costume..."

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