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4pm comes and I head for Chris's room , finding Megan there waiting patiently. "Thank fuck". She smirks. "I thought we were gonna have another LA situation on our hands - thanks for taking him on".

"I always have room". I smile. "As long as he behaves himself".

"Can't guarantee that". Megan chuckles as she shows me in.

"I heard that!" Chris yells from somewhere inside the suite that he has. This room is probably bigger than my whole apartment put together.

Megan rolls her eyes and leaves us to it after she shows me the outfits lined up for the interviews and premiere. They're not that bad compared to the disaster that had been chosen for him in LA.

"What's the verdict?" Chris asks from behind me as he comes into the room.

"All good. I mean I'd do it differently in my honest opinion, just some tweaks, but these will be fine for what you'll be attending". I don't really want to step on the toes of the stylist they've got in at last minute.

He nods. "Will I at least look better than Downey?"

"I can't really say" I smirk. "I mean sure, I specialise in men but you all have your own niche when it comes to style". Then I see him grin at what I've just said. "Men's clothes, not actual men - geez this is why I'm fucking single" I clarify and mutter the last part to myself.

He's still chuckling to himself and then smiles at me. "So what would you tweak?" He now asks.

"I'm not sure your stylist..."

"You're my stylist now, the other is just standing in". He reminds me. "I get enough anxiety having to go out there without having to do it knowing something could look better".

He's twisted my arm - metaphorically that is, not for real. I hesitate and then get to work, swapping a few things about and then making some notes. "I have a few things that I can accessorise with this - I hope you like socks".


"Mhmmm, you might not see them but they do make an outfit". I say.

"I trust you". He nods, then looking from the outfits to me. "So...what else are you up to while we're here? Other than dressing grown ass men".

I shrug. "I don't know, I mean tomorrow is gonna be a busy one and then the day after I'll be heading back home". I tell him. "I'd ask what you have planned but I already know".

He chuckles and shoves his hands into his jeans pockets. "What about tonight?"

"Probably gonna order all the cocktails off of room service and sit watching some random TV".

"Fancy some company? Obviously you don't have to..."

I smile and then nod after some thought. "Ok. Your room or mine?"


A few hours later I'm back in Chris's suite, both of us pondering over what to order up to the room. "Oh I almost forgot..." He quickly heads over to his bag and unzips it, pulling out a pen and passing it to me.

"You're not gonna stop are you?" I smirk, knowing I'm gonna end up with a million pens from this man.

"Nope, not until my debt is paid in full". He smirks, sitting back on the bed with me and surveying the menu once more. "Pizza?" Finally suggesting something we can share so there's room for dessert and cocktails.

I nod. "I can get on board with that, want me to ring down and order?"

"If that's ok. Just need to take this call real quick". He now holds up his phone where I see the word 'Ma' on screen and tell him to go ahead. "Hey Ma..." He answers and heads into the adjourning room to talk to her.

I order what we want, telling them to put the cocktails on a bill to my room so as I can pay for those, and then find something to watch on TV. Eventually he comes out ending the call. "Love you, see you when I'm home, bye..." Hanging up and looking apologetically at me. "Sorry, she just wanted to know I got here ok".

That's sweet. I haven't even bothered texting my mom to let her know where in the world I am - but if she works with Lisa then it's clear she's probably getting updates from her. "Bet she misses you when you're away for stuff like this and filming".

"Oh for sure. Soon as I'm home she's on the doorstep about a half hour later". He laughs lightly, "What about your Mom?"

I shrug. "I give her and dad updates. Sometimes it's hard to keep in touch but I make sure to".

He looks at what film is on and groans. "Ah geez..."

"What?" I ask and then realise just why he's reacting how he is. "Waaaaaaait...you're not in this one...are you?" I am ready to full on rib this man for everything he's got.

"Unfortunately yes..."I start searching again but he stops me. "It's cool, you don't have to change it".

"Seems to be the only decent thing on". I say, "Unless we just watch the news over and over". Even then it's depressing as hell.

Chris waves it off. "You're good, honestly", then settling down as we wait for room service to arrive, talking and half watching.

"Ok, seriously those can't be real" I point out the eyebrows he seems to be rocking for this, and boy are they prominent.

"Wanna bet?" He smirks then making the exact expression with the brows.

I erupt into laughter. "I'm not even gonna ask, but that right there is talent". I tell him as he reverts back from Lucas Lee brows to normal ones.

"Just wanna clarify that in real life I'm no 'evil ex'" He tells me as there's a knock on the door, dinner having arrived. He goes and answers it, both of us finally settling down to eat. It only occurs to me I haven't actually eaten anything since this morning, but I also need to contain myself so I don't look like some beast in front of him. Eating in front of guys on dates has always been something that has made me nervous - not that this is a date by any sorts, but it's still a guy who I've already embarrassed myself in front of too many times for my liking.

Surprisingly, I feel relaxed and we find that as before, we spend ages talking. He doesn't talk about himself, instead choosing to keep me as the focus. What I did to get into the work I'm in now, who was my first client, how I ended up working for RDJ. And he hangs onto my every word.

Eventually I check my watch and see it's after midnight. "Crap, you need to get to bed and so do I". I smile. Getting up and making sure I have my phone and room key. "Thanks for tonight, it was nice to have some company that doesn't subject me to playing Jenga for hours".

He laughs. "It's fine, guess I'll see you at some point tomorrow".

"I'll be here for all things premiere. As for the interviews? You're good to go". I tell him as I open the door and turn to him. "I'll see you tomorrow".

"Got your pen?"

I pull it out of my pocket. "Don't worry, it's joining the other that's currently in my bag".

"Good, more where that came from". He says and gives me a small kiss on the cheek. "Thanks Lili, see you tomorrow".

All I can do is nod and head back to my room, remembering that I need to breathe again when I get there.

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