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"You didn't tell me you were coming back home, otherwise I'd have told you to stay here". Mom scolds as she sets down coffee on the table for us all.

I'd decided to pay a surprise visit to her and dad while I'm here, otherwise I'd never hear the end of it if she was told I was at the reunion but hadn't stopped by. 

"It's fine, I didn't wanna put you guys out". I brush it off. "Anyway I need to head back tomorrow".

"I seriously don't know how you're functioning Lili, you must spend most of your time travelling!"

I shrug. "It's part of the job. But it's fun even if it's tiring".

"Perhaps that's a sign to start thinking about settling down then, you don't wanna be in your forties and still doing this". Mum states.

Here we go...

I now block out the usual speech that she goes off on, talking about how I should be finding a man and having a family before everything 'shuts down'.

Thanks for making me feel old, Mom.

"Liliana! Are you even listening to a word I'm saying?" She now stares hard at me while my dad just sits there reading his book.

"Yes Mom". I roll my eyes. Even at my age I'm still being treated as though I'm twelve or something.

She mutters something to herself again and then sits down with a sigh. "So how was this reunion. Did you see any of your friends?"

"Yep". Is all I say.

"Is that it?" She frowns. "Who was there? Did you have a good time?"

I sip my coffee. "People and yes". I answer and she shakes her head before moving on to the next topic of conversation.

"Did you know that Lisa's son is filming not too far away. She was telling me on Thursday that he'd been in Salem..." She starts, "you have him as a client don't you?" From the way she says it, it's like I'm some sort of prostitute.

I nod. "He's recently been added to my books, now that RDJ is taking some time off I've got more time to focus on others. It's easier considering he's done with Iron Man and stuff".

"Was Chris at the reunion? Lisa said that he was thinking about going, but wasn't sure he'd be able to fit it in". Mum carries on, Chris now being the subject we're staying on.

I nod. "He was there". Playing it down. "We didn't talk much, but had a brief conversation". The fact that she doesn't sense that I'm lying through my teeth right now shows just how disconnected we've become ever since I left home and moved away. We're a far cry from the Evans family for sure.

"Well he's a good looking guy, who knows? He may become more tha-"

I stop her right there. "Mom. Don't". Now warning her. "He's a client and that's that".

"Shame that with the contacts you have in the business, that you haven't managed to nab a movie star or something". She sees my bewildered expression. "What? I'm just saying that you're a great looking girl? Why wouldn't anyone want you?"

"You have to say that coz you're my Mom" I huff. "Anyway I've been on dates and stuff, none of them were the right guy that's all".

Mum sighs. "We just want to see you settled, it'd be nice to have you back for Thanksgiving but you still haven't given us a definite answer".

If I skip Thanksgiving then she's gonna be pissed. But there's only so many more of these repetitive conversations that we can have. "Only if you stop with this whole marriage and babies thing. Not all women want it".

"No, but we know you do, and that's why we care".

"What I want is for you to get off my back about it. Please. I'm so bored of talking about the same shit when I'm back here". I slump into the chair a little further, already feeling physically drained from this visit.

Now my dad thankfully cuts in. "If Lili doesn't wanna talk about it then don't push her". He tells Mom, "otherwise we won't be seeing her again because she won't wanna come home".

Mom looks to me and I slowly shake my head to let her know I won't be back.

"Fine". She sighs, "I won't bring it up again".

I glance to dad when she's not looking and mouth 'thank you', to which he just winks and then resumes reading his book. 

Feeling the vibration of my phone in my pocket, I fish it out and look at the message that's come through. 


There's also a missed one from RDJ inviting me to dinner as he apparently 'misses my face'. I quickly text him back telling him I'll look in my diary and then check Chris's message. 

Evans: You still in town? 

I bite my lip and then reply. I am. Visiting my parents at the moment and then heading off tomorrow, why? 

Evans: You free tonight?  Depending on what time you need to head off tomorrow of course. 

My tummy flips for a moment and then I send back my reply. What did you have in mind? 

Evans: Dinner at my place? I'll even try and attempt sex on the beach if that's any consolation?

Tempting, I'm guessing we're talking about the drink? 😏 I know for certain he's not a guy who goes to the beach as I remember him saying as we were getting ready for some press panel. Yet still this joke lives on. 

Evans: I'll take that as a see you at 7 😉

I love how he's literally taken that as confirmation that I'll join him, and it's annoying as he knows it pretty much is. 

😂You'd better have that drink ready for me then. 

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