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Thanksgiving comes around and is as over as quickly as it began. I spent the day with my parents before retreating back to my "hotel" aka Chris's bed - but they didn't need to know that.

Now we've taken an afternoon walk with Dodger the next day to try and feel like we haven't eaten our weight in food.

Chris keeps his arm around me, cap on as is usual for his off duty attire. I simply keep close to him enjoying the rare time we have with one another before it's back to work. We have the Knives Out press tour kicking off, and it's the last thing we have before Christmas arrives.

I want these moments forever, and I know I'll have them in my mind, but if I could lose myself in just this for the rest of time then I'd happily stay here.

"You wanna head back?" He asks, giving me a light kiss on my head.

I shrug. "I don't mind, if Dodger's tired then we always can".

"C'mon then". He says just as content as he looks.

There are a few other dog walkers on the trail but to them we're just another couple out for a walk. It's nice, quiet, and it also makes me think that maybe I have missed Boston after all. More than I've realised. 


"You can't be fucking serious".  Chris groans the next morning as he's scrolling through his phone while I'm packing and prepping to get back to New York before the press tour kicks off. 

I look up from my case. "What?" 

He looks annoyed and now comes over to me. "Can't even get any fucking peace when I'm at home. Someone's clearly tipped them off that we were out, either that or they're watching the house". 

I look at the pictures and almost drop the phone in shock, seeing photos of us splashed all over the gossip websites, and there's no denying that we look more than 'just friends' - already social media is having a field day, Twitter and Instagram blowing up. There's even a video of us walking together. 

Do I even want to read the comments? Probably not, but my Instagram notifications are mounting up now that I've been identified as the girl in the picture. 

He takes the phone and gets onto Megan, putting her on speakerphone. 

"You seen them?" He asks as she answers cheerfully. 

"Oh, what the pictures? Yes I have - they're not exactly damaging though". 

Chris frowns. "No but they're here clearly following us and invading our privacy". 

Megan snorts. "It's a Pap walk, I should've told you that I organised it before you went back to Boston. Look, it's good for both of you. It shows you're in a committed and serious relationship and for Liliana? She will get more clientele coming her way, more promotion...". 

"Are you for real!" I now fume. "I don't NEED to use Chris's name to get me clients! I've worked hard to get to where I am by building up my reputation! Now everyone's going to think I'm only dating him because I want to make a name for myself!"

Chris sighs. "Lilana, calm..." 

"Don't tell me to calm down!" I snap and then stare at him. "Did you know?" 

"Of course I fucking didn't! Megan just said!"

"And yet somehow you seem ok with this! What happened to invasion of privacy!" I'm so angry right now that I'm shaking. 

He tells Megan he's muting the call for a moment before he turns to me. "Look, I'm annoyed she's done this and conveniently forgot to tell me. I mean, pap walks aren't exactly the most ideal but..." 

"But nothing! You're siding with her?" 

"It was going to come out sometime. Ok I would've rather done it myself when we were both comfortable and further along into things - however I guess it's not going to be the world ending. Well, to fans it probably will, but what's wrong with wanting to show who I love?" 

He's just made this ten times fucking harder than things should be. I want to hate him for this, I hate Megan for pretty much assuming that I can't get my own clients. People will just think I'm using Chris and no way do I want that. 

"I can't do this - not like this" I tell him. 

"Lil..." He sighs

I shake my head. "If you loved me then you wouldn't stand for this shit. You'd be protecting me from Megan's stupid arranged pap walks, you'd be yelling at her and telling her how I don't need any help by using your name to get more work". 

"You know I'd protect you". 

He hates arguing, hence why he's so calm - but it's that which is making me more angry. "So why aren't you?" I ask but don't really wait for him to answer. "If this is what it's gonna be like? Then I don't want it..." 


"Promise me that this is what it's not going to be like". 

He's silent before he looks at me weakly. "You know I can't promise that". 

It's the clincher that comes with dating him, or anyone with the same height of profile within the media and Hollywood. 

I swallow. "Well then. Once the press tour is over? It's best that we don't work together beyond that. I'm not going to be unprofessional and leave you without a stylist for that, but after it's done? And as it's the last on my list for the year? That's it. I'm done". 

"Can't we just talk about this..." 

"We have. Now the talk has ended, and I guess so have we". I say the last part quietly, zipping up my suitcase. "I'll call myself an Uber..." 

Taking the case, I roll it out into the hallway, leaving him to deal with Megan while I tearfully book an Uber. This isn't the grounds for a relationship. He knows I like to keep to the background. It's what I wanted for this, for us. Guess he had other ideas. 

My Uber arrives and I see him now appear. "I'll see you in LA". I simply say, trying not to let him see me cry. 

He knows. 

Instead he comes out and hugs me. "Don't do this...I've spoke to Megan..." 

"That's just the thing. It's already done" I wipe my eyes. "Anyway, see you next week", quickly pulling away and getting in the car. 

And just like that, another relationship down. 

This one pains the most though. 

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