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The rain from the shower falls over us as he has me against the wall, thrusting hard and deep within me, his arms keeping a firm hold so I don't fall.

All the while my head is spinning as our lips dance with one another hungrily.

This man wasn't lying about wanting to impregnate me. Judging by the way he's literally rearranging my insides right now.

"Fuck, I need to cum". I gasp as he's finally built me up enough to literally squirt all over him.

"Go on, let me hear you scream for me". He urges, that alone being enough to make me shake and cry against him as the most intense orgasm hits.

There's a small snarl from him as he starts filling me deep, thrusts becoming desperate until they finally slow and our bodies lax against one another.

"Oh my god..." I breathe as I go to get myself down from the position he has me in, but he stops me.

"Just a little longer".

I look at him and then nod, knowing exactly why he wants this. "Ok".

After a short time he lets me down and we finish showering, drying ourselves off before getting into bed. I'm staying in his room tonight, but may have to make an early escape so Megan can't walk in and see me. Even with the apology and whatnot, I still can't take any chances at present.

"What are you thinking about?" I question as we lie together, his hand entwined in mine before he begins to trace the lines on my palm with his finger.

"Us - what should have been. I know that if they'd have gone differently, perhaps by now I'd have had that ring on your finger".

I chuckle. "One thing at a time".

"That's the thing - we're not get to be any younger like we said".

"I know". I agree, "but this time? We'll do things our way, make it work - we've already started doing so, but it takes while".

He smiles sleepily. "You know I love you right? That didn't exactly stop when you left"

I nod. "It didn't for me either - no matter how much I tried to kid myself".

I never got over him. It had been love even if it had only been for the shortest time back then.

When you know, you know.

"You might not feel the same way when you see Lloyd's trash stache". He smirks, pulling me in closer against his body.

"Oh believe me you'd be surprised". I say, "did you want me to come back to Boston in between work and stuff? I know you're gonna be filming after the Grey Man press tour is over".

He nods. "If we're doing this then we may as well jump right on in and do it like it should have been". Now pausing. "Coming home to you? It's how it should be".

"As long as you and Scott don't tag team and scare the shit outta me".

I know for a fact that this is what will happen. They're both as bad as each other, but when they get together it's carnage.

"I can't make no promises..."

It's war then. He's pretty much just declared it.

"Well then...neither can I".

"Is that so?" He now rolls onto me, caging me against the mattress. "Should I be scared?"

I narrow my eyes playfully. "Oh I think you should be".

He lets out a gentle laugh, the Boston clear within it. "Well then, it's on". Leaning down he kisses me deeply before trailing his lips down my body, beard brushing against the inside of my thighs.

"We need to sleep" I laugh as he begins to tease me with his tongue, swirling it over my skin, edging closely to my folds but making me wait. I groan at this. "What's it gonna take to get you to go to sleep?"

"Another fucking orgasm from you". He lifts his head up to look at me, before slowly saying, "now keep still..."

I smirk. "That's gonna be a bit hard with you chowing down on me".

"Well in that case?". His hands keep my legs apart and my ankles clamped down. "Let's find out shall we?"


Neither of us get any sleep in the hours that follow...

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