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I've practically all but moved in since the press tour for Lightyear has finished, Chris going straight into filming for Red One while I've been busy with Downey and other clients for photoshoots and appearances amongst other things. Chris and I facetime and text constantly, but even now as I'm  on my way back from LA doing some shoots, I'm looking through the pictures that we've taken together and feel myself yearning for him.

Unfortunately when I get back, he won't be there. He's currently in Atlanta for a couple of weeks, leaving Dodger and I to fend for ourselves. It won't be long before I have to get back to work though. I just hope I get some time with Chris before I leave again. 

Dodger all but attacks me with excitement as I arrive at Lisa's to collect him. "Ah, my second boyfriend". I chuckle and ruffle his fur. "Missed you". 

"He's certainly been missing you too". Lisa grins and hugs me. "How are you?" 

"I'm good, exhausted but been here and there so constant tiredness is a look for me". 

Lisa chuckles. "How long are you home for?" 

"I've actually got the next week off. I need the break, this year has been mad so far". 

"Chris doesn't make it easy in that sense" She smirks. 

She knows the root of my exhaustion is him - and for various reasons rather than just travelling. 

"Nope, and he's not exactly slowing down for the rest of it, but he needs to". I admit. He has in some sense, given that he chooses what jobs he wants to take and makes sure he's closer to home. If we finally have a family then he'll certainly want to be. 

Lisa nods with agreement. "I keep telling him, maybe you'll have more of an effect on him seeing as you have already - did you want a coffee before you head off?" 

"Oh, no thanks - I'm gonna get home and head to bed with Dodger". 

She makes a face at this. "Chris is gonna be annoyed you're in bed with another guy". 

I shrug. "It was bound to happen at some point, he'll get over it considering he can't get mad at him, like ever".  I open the car door and Dodger jumps in, making himself comfortable on the backseat while I say goodbye to Lisa. "You're more than welcome to come round for coffee or something". I say, "It'll be nice to actually catch up". 

"How does Thursday sound?" She suggests, i'll bring a few bits and we can do lunch". 

"Don't be silly, I have stuff in. Midday sound ok?" 

"Perfect, see you then". She gives me a kiss goodbye on the cheek and I get in the car, Dodger now sticking his head between the seats as he head on back home. 

The house is quiet and too empty for my liking as we get in, only the sound of Dodgers feet padding across the floor so the echoes fill the entrance hallway. I sigh and give him a treat before going to the bedroom so I can unpack, shower, and then finally collapse into bed. It's tedious but I know if I lay down then I'll just be putting this off. 

Finally, sometime later I sink under the covers, Dodger coming to lie across me - but now as much as I'm tired, I miss having Chris next to me. Snapping a selfie with Dodger, I send it to him. 

We miss you :( xxx

Chris 💙: Cheater 😜 Here was me thinking I was your number one?  Miss you gorgeous xx

I mean, he's a comfy guy, but he said to tell you that he would rather be squashed between us 😂

Chris 💙: What I'd give to be squashed in you right now 😈 Only a few more days and I'll be home xx

Hope it hurries up, and you need to behave! x

Chris 💙: You should know by now that I can't around you.  So much that I'm going to need a picture or something from you to keep me going x

I have to admit, what I'm about to do? I've never done before. Heading to the mirror I take my top off and snap a tasteful topless selfie for him, sending it without any warning or comment. 

Five minutes pass and I'm sure I've killed him until he texts back. 

Chris💙: 🥵🥵🥵 Thank fuck I'm in my trailer, otherwise we'd have had problems. You're trying to kill me Lilana xx

I feels rather liberating in some ways, and naughty as well. I wouldn't have ever dreamt of doing something like that before I met him. He seems to have brought out the confidence in me. Not that I'm complaining. 

I get a picture in return and open it, seeing that it's a pen he's holding. Chris💙: This is all you're getting until I'm finally in my hotel room. Another one for your collection x

More pen content! 🥵😜 I'm excited xx  The sarcasm from that message is clear. 

Chris💙: You forgot to add 'I' and 'S' onto the end of Pen 😏 x

Jesus Christ...

Go back to your day job Evans 😂

Chris💙 : Unfortunately I have to - will call you later, love you Lilana xx

Love you too xx

I lie back and glance at Dodger who opens one eye sleepily. "Not long now until he's home Dodge". I promise before I finally am able to drift off. 

These days I only dream of him, and that's how I want it to stay.

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