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"How was your hot date?"

It's too early for this interrogation, but true to form Downey is wanting all the gory details - and it's only 6am.

Our flights were rescheduled which meant that we had to get up at a gruelling 3am to head to the airport and to get the planes out to London. Meaning that the bar meet with Chris last night had to be cut short so we could get some sleep.

Nothing happened. Well, nothing else of interest anyway. We simply drank, had a talk about stuff from school and then got the message through about the change. There was cursing, followed by ordering one last drink before we made for our respective rooms.

And that was that. A simple goodnight (plus an awkward wave from me as the elevator doors closed and separated us) and then here we are. Well, technically Chris is one another plane but I get the joy of the Downey sarcasm - and I could really do without it at this time of the morning.

"It wasn't a date" I tell him slowly, head rested back in my seat, arms crossed and eyes closed as I try to drift back off to sleep again. "We had a few drinks and that was it".

"No kiss goodnight? I'm shocked".

I open one eye and look at him before opening the other. "I'm never gonna get any sleep with you around am I? Remind me why I have to share a plane with you again?"

"Coz you get me dressed for a living and you love me". He quips back in the usual manner, taking a sip of orange juice.

"I'd have much rather gone with Scarlett".

"This is the fun plane, you really wanna hang with Johansson when you have captain fun times over here? We've got connect 4, Jenga..."

"You want me to play Jenga with you on a plane at 6 in the morning?" I muse.

He shrugs. "Unless you're a jet lagged chicken".

"The clown style suit I brought is looking reeeeeal good right now". I threaten him. He actually thinks I have one but really I don't. It works though. "What happened to no bullying in the workplace?"

"Whatever. We're playing Jenga". He gets up and gets it from one of the cupboards. "But in all seriousness? Did you get a goodnight kiss?"

"No, and I didn't expect it either." I tell him.

"Shame, I was waiting for juicy gossip".

I roll my eyes, but we set up the game. We have a few more hours before we land, and I'm really hoping that it's not gonna be spent talking about Chris. There really isn't anything left to say.


We finally land a few hours later and I've never been more thankful to see a hotel room. The premiere is tomorrow, but everyone needs respite so as they're not jet lagged as hell for the premiere. At least I can sleep and quickly do a fitting with Robert just to make sure he's happy and that everything co-ordinates. But first? I need a shower.

Other than that I have a day to myself. I can either sleep or just go sightseeing. Maybe shopping if I want. I'm always on the lookout for new styles, not just for clients but also for me. I quickly snap the view from my window and post it to Instagram. Having social media like this is everything. It can bring new clients and also grab people's attention as to who is wearing what. It can get your name out there more which has certainly come in handy. Most of my following is a mix of big names, but also fans of the people I style, which is quite flattering. Some pictures I post are behind the scenes, getting ready for big events, and people love to see glimpses of that.

Now jumping in the shower, I feel the relief of freshening up after a long flight - however this doesn't last long as I can hear my cell start ringing from where's it's sat on the counter.

"I swear if it's you Robert..." I mutter to myself and get out, quickly grabbing the phone and answering. "Hello?"

"Oh, hi, Liliana?"

"Yes?" I frown.

"It's Megan"

This sounds to be serious so I secure my towel around me a little more and walk out into the bedroom. "Oh, Hi?" Why is she calling me anyway?

"Sorry, I've been given the task by management considering we're both here in the same place. We were wondering whether you would add Chris to your client list? If you have room that is. You did us a huge favour the other day and he seems to trust your process and decisions when it comes down to style - as he said to me he knows nothing about it". She half laughs.

"I can send management over all the details of how much I charge and so on, you might decide not to..."

She cuts me off. "That doesn't matter. He's set on wanting you so it seems".

Well shit.

"Erm...ok". I stammer, "right, well that's flattering to hear. I can certainly add him to my list and if you could have whoever deals with his diary send me the events and dates, as well as measurements and stuff, I can try to work something out around the appointments I already have".

"Fantastic. It currently puts our problem to rest". She sounds relieved and I'm wondering whether he has a stylist that's temporarily with him - I've not seen the other since.

"I'm gathering he has his outfits for the upcoming interviews and appearances over here?" I now question, wanting to be sure.

"Yeah he's set for now, unless you wanted to come consult again?"

I know for a fact that it's her who wants me to do this rather than Chris himself - probably as she's not going to be wanting any negative press on him which is understandable. She wants people talking about him for all the right things, style and image included.

"I can stop by later on this afternoon if he's around for a short while?"

"His schedule is clear so shall we say 4pm?" Megan asks.

"No problem, text me the room number and I'll come have a look and see whether what we're working with is ok".

Megan sounds even more relieved. "Thanks so much Lili - he's gonna be really pleased, I'll get onto management now".

I smile. "Happy to help, see you this afternoon", and we ring off.

Looks like I have a new client on my books, and one who it seems I'll be seeing a lot more than I anticipated.

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