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I look at myself in the mirror. I don't want to get too dressed up, but then again I don't want to go looking like a tramp either.

Just be you, Lili.

That's the thing. I wasn't really anyone in school and now I'm something. At least the good thing about the reunion is that no one will really remember me. I think I only had one friend in school, Emma. That was it, just us two - but now she lives in a different country, married with three kids and here I am still grabbing at the cusp of single hood at my age.
My mom gave up asking for grandkids long ago - even stating that she thought in my line of work I'd be snapped up by some hot actor or at least one of their rich friends. My dad simply says nothing and just states if I'm happy then so be it. I can't help but feel I've disappointed them anyway, even with my job being as successful as it has been.

Jeans and a nice top it is.

I top up my make up and then check the time, already I'm late and now grab my purse, heading down to the bar of yet another hotel we're in. I'm constantly living out of a suitcase. Tomorrow morning we'll be on a flight to London for the premiere there so I make a mental note not to drink too much.

I don't spot Chris at first, but then realise he's incognito at a booth in a corner, cap on as usual and checking his phone. He has a beer to hand, and set across the table as promised? My cocktail.

He looks up as I now appear and smiles. "You got me my cocktail then?" I smirk and sit down.

"I'm a man of my word. You look...nice". He says, eyes looking me up and down. Immediately I wonder why he paused and then realise maybe I'm too over dressed for this. But then he apologises. "Sorry, that came out wrong, you always look nice".

If he remembered me from back in school he'd say otherwise.

"Thanks, see you're going off duty tonight". My eyes go to the cap and he winces.

"I know, not stylish but practical. Useful for this kinda thing too". I frown at this and he explains. "Don't get noticed."

I then nod. "Oh, yeah right".

You're so stupid Lili.

I take a nervous sip from my cocktail, and thankfully it relaxes me a little more.

"Ah, almost forgot..." he digs into his pocket and pushes something across the table. "The start of my comPENsation".

It's a damn pen.

I laugh and shake my head. "I really don't need you to give me a pen".

"No, but I'm still gonna be in pen debt for a long time so consider this the start of paying you back for all those ones I took". He smirks. "You never know when you might need one".

I chuckle and put it into my purse. "I will treasure it". Knowing that more of these things will probably be coming my way in the near future. He's started something now. "So how did your interviews go today?"  I ask.

"Thankfully none of the same questions we get all the time cropped up so that was a result" He sighs. "Oh and thanks for the premiere save again".

"Downey was really rooting for you to go naked" I tut my disapproval, "you'd certainly have made news".

"I couldn't think of anything worse" he grins. "It's bad enough you have a sea of people yelling at you, wanting answers to questions or photos".

I nod slowly in understanding. "you think you'll do another franchise or something now Avengers is over?"

"Nah - it was a long contract, I don't wanna be living outta a suitcase anymore. I said to myself once I was done with these films I'd work on things more closer to home. I just wrapped on a project that I spent mostly filming in Boston, so it was nice to not have to lug stuff from state to state, or even country to country. Not getting any younger". He ponders and takes a swig of beer while doing so.

"I can see why". I say.

He eyes me over the bottle. "You probably have travelled more than me".

"Sometimes I think too much" I admit.

"What's your boyfriend or husband think of that?"

I smirk and take another long sip of my cocktail. "I think you've already guess I don't have either. Doing what I do has made it harder to maintain a relationship. I've had boyfriends for sure but nothing ever serious enough that made me want to settle early - my heads been too in the job". I look into the near empty glass. "Guess it's something my parents have been disappointed about".

"What? Putting your career first? That's your choice".

I shrug. "I think they hoped that considering I didn't have a steady boyfriend or whatever in school that I'd find someone while working. They've given up asking now". Now I realise I sound like a complete sob story. "We don't need to hear anymore about that anyway - I feel depressed as hell just thinking about what I said".

He signals for a waiter to come over. "Guess it calls for more drinks then". Ordering me another cocktail and a beer for himself.

I cannot afford to drown myself in alcohol tonight, otherwise come tomorrow I will be a liability. It doesn't help that the Pina Colada song is now playing and we both look up to the speaker and then at one another.

"Am I gonna admit I like this song? Yes, yes I am" I say, thanking the waiter as he brings us our drinks over.

He smirks. "Who doesn't?" Now throwing me a look. "So, as a cocktail girl - do you like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain?"

Is he flirting with me?

I sit back and toy with the tiny umbrella in my glass. "I mean, if it's a sex on the beach in the rain then yeah".

I didn't even mean for it to come out the way that it did, but here we are.

"We still talking about the cocktail?"


I don't know if it's the drink but suddenly I'm feeling braver as opposed to the humiliating situations that have happened so far. There's no harm in letting him think I could mean either one...

"I'll let you decide on that".

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