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The fact I'm probably going to be the most tired looking person at this reunion is looking likely as I check myself in the mirror again. I only arrived at my hotel just a few hours before, but I made it. At least I won't have to rush off tomorrow - with an unwell client it means I have a couple of days free before heading back home again. So I decided to put on my big girl pants and go to the reunion, knowing I'll just be sat there drinking by myself.

Here goes nothing...

Getting to the bar they're holding this thing at, I write my name on a sticker and walk in, seeing quite a few people here already. Some are recognisable and others are not. I know I'm probably one of the ones who they won't know when it comes to looking at my face. I like to think I look better than I did back in 99.

I go and order a drink, finding a table to sit at and just observe, then seeing the large group to the far right.

Chris is here - it's obvious when you have a group of that size all talking and laughing. Plus they're taking pictures. I don't see him at first, but then as some people move away I notice him. He doesn't stand out at all, blending in and chatting to old friends while he drinks the beer in his hand. Tomorrow morning he'll probably have a coffee to hand - it's scary how I know that just from working with him for over a month now. I haven't seen him since the last day of the press tour for Endgame though, I've been busy and he's apparently back here filming for a new series for Apple TV.

Apart from the odd few people, the groups disperses to different areas, and I get up, making my way over and giving him a look. "I can't believe you're wearing a name tag". I smirk.

He looks surprised to see me and then smiles. "Well they might not know who I am otherwise".

"That is a total 'you' move right there". I laugh and we hug.

"Thought you couldn't make it?" He now asks.

I shake my head. "Last minute cancellation calls for a last minute RSVP".

"Well I'm glad, you spoke to anyone yet?"

"Nah, I wanted a drink first before we start getting all nostalgic".

He looks around and takes a sip from his beer bottle. "Well the music's certainly ensuring that. Makes me feel old".

"I know right?" I agree, shooting a sideways glance to him. 'The Sign' by Ace of Base is setting the 90s mood perfectly, a reminder that we're not getting any younger, "Well, I suppose we should take a compulsory reunion selfie".

"Unimpressed faces that we're at the same event and can't be rid of one another?" He suggests.

I agree. "I couldn't have suggested anything better", taking out my phone and both of us looking unimpressed that we're in the same room as one another. It's pretty hilarious. "These are going straight on Instagram tomorrow, if you're ok with it that is?" I wanna make sure before I go plastering his face on my page.

"Only if you put a nice one of us up with it". He states the terms.

"I guess we should act like we don't actually hate one another". I smirk and one of his friends takes one of us as he comes back with some more drinks. Chris now introducing me and ultimately letting them remember who I am.

And they do once they realise.

It's actually a nice conversation we have before a few more people join, and soon I'm finding myself engaged in the most conversation I've probably had with these people. Of course they want to know the ins and outs of a ducks ass when it comes to what I do, who I've worked with that's the most famous.

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