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Of course Chris savagely uploaded the video of me onto Instagram as well as tagging me. The little shit.

He also titled it - Found a new victim

At this point I'm going to have to start plotting my revenge for when I next see him as we leave Toronto tomorrow. He doesn't have any appearances until the end of October/beginning of November, so I'm wondering what the hell he needs to talk to me about.

I can picture it now, him telling me that last night was a mistake and then we carry on as awkward as hell with only pens to break the ice.

The text now tells me he's on his way back from the film festival...

Evans: About ten mins away, see you soon x

I try to distract myself by watching something on TV, given that I've packed up everything I need to to head back home tomorrow. It's not long before there's a knock on my door.

"Hey". I smile and let Chris in. "How was today?" We didn't really get to catch up earlier as hes been in and out in a rush to change for his appearances.

"Glad to see a hotel room if I'm honest, what you been doing with yourself?" He asks.

I shrug. "Packing up and just making sure I have everything done for the morning - so...what did you wanna talk about?"

Let's just get this over and done with so my anxiety can stop spiking.

He now looks at me a little more serious than I'm used to. "I er...well..." He begins and looks like he's wondering how to word this. "I was wondering whether I could start to see you? Outside of  'work mode' that is..."

I frown. "Like...dating?"

He looks a little shy now. "Yeah...I guess that was kinda what I should've said", then continues. "I mean it doesn't have to be full on, I suck at dates and I know the media have a field day whenever they see me with someone. Hence why I like keeping a low profile, but if you don't feel like I do? It's fine".

I bite my lip. "I think we kinda started from the moment you asked me to go back to your room - oh and by the way? You've bruised my ass".

He grins. "Good, that was what I was going for".

"I'd like that - low profile. I'm probably someone who understands more than most where you're coming from with the whole media thing and I'm not exactly someone who wants a camera constantly in her face".

"I know, and I think that's why I feel content in some ways - I don't have to explain myself or anything. You know what it's like".

I throw him a look. "Although I'm not going to forgive you for posting that video earlier".

"Scare wars are compulsory if you wanna date me". He smirks. "Plus you can get me back for being a spontaneous dick earlier".

"I mean who doesn't love spontaneous dick?" I grin up at him a little evilly, his lips meeting mine as he leans in.

Then he suddenly pulls away, producing another pen from his jacket. "Got this at the film festival. Something to remember this by". This one is specially branded for the event and I can just picture him looking around to make sure no one was watching before sneaking it into his pocket.

"I'll be putting that with the rest of my collection".

He checks his watch. "I need to get back to my room, another early wake up call".

"I'll see you in the morning". I say, letting him give me one last kiss before he heads off to get some sleep.
As I close the door I slide down it and squeal inwardly at what's just happened, still not quite believing it. I'm only just getting over what happened last night. Picking myself up from the floor, I get ready for bed.

I can't sleep though, feeling on an all time high and all thoughts buzzing through my mind - and it seems that Chris is the same as a new text comes through some time later.

Evans: Midnight snack? 😏😉 x


A/N - apologies it's short, but hopefully it's more than sweet 😈

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