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2 Years Later

Despite COVID deciding to disrupt absolutely everything for a year or so, work for me hasn't stopped. Well , briefly while permits and stuff were prepared so as we could carry on as best as we could, and now as everything has come to an end, and we're trying to get back to some type of normality, once again my world is about to be turned upside down. 

I haven't seen or really spoke to Chris since we finished the Knives Out promo, and the last time I really did talk was a message to congratulate him on how good Defending Jacob was. Neither of us have had the balls to unfollow one another on Instagram either and so every so often I'll be met with a story or post from him. I know he's not exactly into social media as it is, but part of me wonders whether he's avoided it because of me. I pretty much post every day and it could be the equivalent of a slap in the face. 

Right now I'm snapping some pictures of RDJ on a recent photoshoot we have together for Hollywood Reporter. He's aware of things that have gone on, and as much as he loves Chris, he also knows to respect what happened instead of weighing in with his opinion. Whether he's spoken to the man in question about it is another thing.

"You're up skank". He jests as he comes over and now sees the pictures on my camera roll. "I know, you just can't help but keep a record of how wonderful I'm being". 

"Shut up" I laugh and give him my phone. "Take some decent pictures so I can post some behind the scenes content? I trust you can do that?" 

He snorts. "What are you talking about? World's greatest photographer right here - what button is it again?" I throw him a look. "Kidding, love you!" He calls as I walk over and throw back a middle finger to him. 

Once I'm done we take a break and note the missed call on my phone along with a voicemail, listening to it as we have something to eat. I almost choke when I hear the familiar voice and RDJ throws me a confused look, gesturing as to whether he needs to perform the Heimlich maneuver on me. 

"You alright there Pierson?" He asks as I put my iPhone down and ponder.

"Not really". I admit, my appetite lost a little. 

"C'mon, tell uncle Downey what's troubling you". 

I laugh weakly and then look at him. "It was Chris's publicist". 

Now that's fully caught his attention and he leans in to know more. "What did she say?" 

"That she'd like to discuss being able to have Chris back on my books as a client again". I tell him. "According to her he's got a jam packed year coming up for next year and he's said he only wants me to style him. No one else". I now put the voicemail on speaker for him to listen to. 

"...he says that he only wants you, he trusts you and no one else, so if you could get back to me once you get this, maybe we could discuss it, as well as other things that I'd like to address..." Megan's voice says before she ends the call. 

I look to Downey who is thinking. "And what do you think about it?" 

"That it's probably a recipe for disaster". I admit. "I know she will probably want to rectify the whole Pap walk thing, but I don't know whether I can handle working with Chris that close again? It was hard enough at the end..." 

"That was the end, this is a new start". He goes serious now. "You know what I think?" 

"Do I really want to?" 

"Yes, yes you do", he states flatly, "I think you're hesitant because you both are still in love with one another, there, I said it". He throws his hands in the air for someone to come arrest him for the comment he's just made. 

I shake my head. "I'm not". 

"You are, even I can see that -  in fact, I don't even have to look at you to know you are". 

This really isn't what I want to hear, but maybe I need to. Sure, we still follow one another and like one another's posts, but that's as far as it's been since we parted ways. It's just made it harder to get over him. 

"Evans hasn't got a bad bone in his body, ok - how he handled stuff wasn't great, but I can take a guess that he's missing you too - especially if he's wanting only you to dress him as Megan stated". 

I look at my plate and mumble, "but what if I get hurt again?" 

Downey looks at me. "If he knows what's good for him? Then you won't", now holding out my phone to me. "You know what you have to do..." 

I look from the phone to him and then take it, finding Megan's number and pressing 'Call', now waiting until she finally picks up. 

"Hey Megan, it's Liliana - I've just got your message..." 

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