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I wake the next morning to the feeling of kisses being traced down my spine before feeling a gentle bite on one of my ass cheeks.

That's gonna leave a mark no matter how much he sunk his teeth in.

"What are you doing?" I smirk sleepily, eyes still closed as I now feel Chris's breath on my beck, kissing the back of it.

"Waking you up". He murmurs.

I chuckle and now move so I can roll onto my back, looking up at him. "That's the best wake up I've had in a while".

"It's about to get better". He smirks and dips down to now cover my mouth with his own.

I don't even know what time it is, and quite frankly I don't care as he hitches one of my legs up and slowly moves into me. Whereas last nights antics were more frantic and fast paced, he's ensuring that he's taking his time with me this morning, exploring my body more than he already has done.

My back arches against him, hips jolting together as we move together, his kisses trailing everywhere across my chest, tongue swirling around my nipples. All I can do is dig my nails in as he hits certain spots I like.

And boy does he realise this.

"Oh fuck" I breathe as I feel myself begin to lose control, costing him with my release while he finishes not long after.

I glance to take a look at the time 4am. We still have an hour before the wake up call, and I know I need to be gone before then. The last thing I want is Megan seeing me. My brain won't be able to handle her this early in the morning.

"I should think about getting back to my room". I tell Chris quietly. "Plus I need to get your shit ready for today and look fresh as a daisy".

"More like a freshly fucked daisy". He throws me a devilish look and pulls me back as I go to get out of bed and find my underwear. It was thrown off in haste yesterday and I haven't seen it since. "You're going nowhere".

I have to admit the idea of getting out of bed and having to traipse back to my room sucks, but I need to. Even if staying in his arms feels so good right now. "Mmmmm" I sigh and close my eyes to have five more minutes like this.

Before reality hits.

He goes about his day being him, and me? I just pass him an outfit and watch from the sidelines.

I've always been on the sidelines. It's my place and even now I know that it still has to be for the time being- especially as I have no idea where we'll go from here.

"Aaaand now I gotta go" I tell him, managing to find everything but my panties.

"Looks like you're gonna have to go commando". He smirks, triumphant that one garment of mine is still lurking somewhere.

Hopefully he finds it before Megan or someone else does...

"See you in a couple of hours". I tell him, Chris now pulling me onto him to give me a long and deep kiss. "You'd better find my underwear".

"If I do I won't be telling you". He grins as I just roll my eyes and sneak from his room back to mine.

I have to take a rather long and cold shower to come to my senses. Head still spinning, and between my legs still throbbing like mad.

Work mode. I need to focus on the task at hand and prepare outfit number one after I've got dressed and put my make up on.

At 7:30 I head to Chris's room and Megan yanks open the door. "Morning".

Why do I get the feeling she knows exactly what went on?

Act natural Lili

"Morning". I say brightly and pass her, not seeing Chris until she tells me he's in the other room of the suite.

I head on through with the outfit, almost jumping out of my skin as I hear "LILANA!" Turning in fright and seeing Chris completely bent I've laughing to himself with his phone filming the whole traumatic experience.

I've just been Evans'd - this is the kind of shit he pulls with his brother and now I'm the newest victim.

"I hate you so much right now". I shake my head and feel just how much adrenaline started to pump through me. "And Lilana? Seriously?"

"Your name's too long to shout all in one, had to shorten it somehow - I like it". He's still laughing slightly.

"Most people just call me Lili".

He grabs my hand and pulls me into him as we're concealed behind the open door. "Yeah well I'm not most people", leaning down and giving me a kiss.

I quickly break away. "Megan's out there!" I hiss.

"Like I care?"

"Did you find my underwear before she came to give you the wake up call this morning?" Hoping to god that she's not gonna walk in and present them to me.

He smirks, revealing part of the lace underwear I had on that's in his pocket. "What? These?"

I grab them and stuff them into my jeans pocket. "Remind me why I agreed to work with you again?"

"Because I'm adorable".

I give him a backhanded slap against his abs and pass him his clothes. "Go get changed before Megan finds that I've murdered you".  Slipping away and out of the room before he can pull me back to steal another kiss.

He emerges some time later and Megan nods her approval. "We need to get going, I'll let you know when we're on our way back to change for the premiere". She tells me.

"No problem, I'll be on standby". I say. Not only
Do they have the premiere, but a couple of parties to attend as well. He's gonna have a hell of a busy day that's for sure.

As he passes me, he puts his hand on my arm and leans in. "I think we need to talk later, I'll text you once all this is over with". He says quietly and then leaves before Megan can realise he's lagging behind.

He gives me once last glance back before he exits the room, and then is gone.

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