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"You didn't stay for the post credits scene, I'm offended". Robert says to me the next day as I pass him the outfit he's wearing for the cast appearance on Jimmy Kimmel.

"Shut up and put your clothes on". I smirk and shake my head. I can't have this conversation with him now as he knows I probably left to avoid any further embarrassment - he just doesn't wanna admit it.

"Women usually don't tell me to do that. Usually the other way around..." He jokes and I make a disgusted face. "Saw you were sitting with Evans family. Lot to talk about?"

I roll my eyes. "So he did send you over to get the dirt yesterday".

Robert throws his hands up. "Hey, I was doing him a favour. Speaking to the pretty girl on his behalf so that he doesn't make himself look like anymore of an ass".

"His mom's probably told anyway, I spoke to her and she was asking. Maybe I should've just kept my mouth shut instead of looking like an idiot".

"Hey, you thought he might recognise you and you just said what you did. Nothing to be embarrassed by Lili, and Chris isn't the kind of person to poke fun at you for it maliciously..." There's a knock at the door and security goes to answer while I put some things away.

I look up as I see Chris walk in. "Mind if I talk to Liliana for a moment?"

Downey gives me a sly wink and heads into the next room to get changed, leaving me and Chris alone.

"I wanna apologise if I came off as a dick yesterday". He starts. "I didn't recognise you at first but after you left, realised I may have said the wrong thing".

"It's fine, I get embarrassed easily and just wanted to leave that's all. It wasn't your fault". I smile.

He nods. "My mom told me that you were sitting together..."

"Mhmm..." I nod, putting a few more things away.

"She told me what you told her. I think I remember now, was it biology we sat together in?" He frowns as he wonders what lessons they were.

"That was one, the other was math. There was a lesson where you spent it stacking quarters on your elbow so we could see how high they'd go?"

He chuckles at this. "Oh my god" He drawls. "That! I remember that - god that was stupid"

I shrug and look amused that he remembers that at least. "It was the 90's, we had nothing else to entertain us so we did dumb shit". I pause. "Other than that you didn't really bother with me unless you wanted to borrow a pen".

He winces and looks a little pained. "Did I ever give any of them back?".

I smirk at him, knowing he probably feels like the biggest jerk in the world right now, even though I really had no intention of making him that way. "No".

"How many pens do I owe you?"

"A lot" I say, "But, it doesn't matter".

"Well". He begins. "If it's any consolation? I'd like to make it up to you".

I brush it off. "You really don't have to do anything. It's just been nice seeing you again, you've done well" I smile once more as Robert now comes out of the room cautiously.

"I'm not interrupting am I? You're not stealing my stylist yet again". Now looking to Chris.

"No stealing needed today". Then he looks straight at me, "Can't guarantee about the future though"

"Don't you two have an interview to get to?" I frown and check my watch as they check theirs.

Robert nods. "Cars are gonna be here soon, you two done or do I need to vacate?"

"I think we're done". I nod, collecting the last of my stuff. "I'm heading onto the next location so I'll see you there" Now turning to Robert. Thankfully I don't need to accompany them to this appearance.

Chris stops me. "Have you been invited to the class reunion next week?" He now asks.

I nod at this. To be honest I wasn't planning on going so I'll be surprised if he actually does. "I have, not sure whether I can fit it around the schedule though".

"Shame, I was hoping I'd see you there".

"You still might". I smile.

"Well if not? Would you meet me for a drink in the hotel bar later?" He asks as I realise Robert is still standing there grinning like an idiot.

"Should I feel privileged to be witnessing something like this? I mean, given that it's you". He points to Chris, and clearly knows what he can be like.

He smiles and hangs his head a little shyly with a small "Shut up" Downey now embracing him and then heading out with security. Chris turns back to me. "It's no pressure if you don't wanna..." Now reassuring me.

"You buying?" I enquire.

"What's your poison?"

"Sex on the beach" I say automatically and then realise this could be one of two things. Cheeks flushing red I groan.

He smirks and shakes his head. "Is that so?"

"The cocktail...not the actual..."

Abort mission Lili! ABORT, ABORT, ABORT!

"Shame". He still has that shit eating grin on his face, it's clear he's enjoying this. "Well, I'll be waiting in the bar, 8pm and you'll get your sex on the beach - the cocktail". He now confirms before his phone goes off, Megan telling him that the car is here for pick up. "See you tonight".

"Yeah..." I can only nod as he heads out before the entire conversation that we've just had sets in.

I really don't think that I have any idea what I've let myself in for. All I can hope is that I don't make myself look like an idiot any more than I already have.

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