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Premiere's are always a little daunting for me, just in case a malfunction happens with an outfit. That and I'm always worried about whether who I dress will be slated for the style I've gone with in the media.

It can happen, and then everything that I've worked for will be crumbling.

I keep watch from the sidelines, emergency kit to hand if needed - most of the time it doesn't get used but you can never be sure. Plus I get to watch the film and travel around. Tiring but it's a perk of the job at least. As this is to be the last Avengers film, the press tour for it is huge, which means a lot of outfits and a lot of working with Robert to see what styles will suit him. Each client is different, each one with some kind of signature look. With Robert it's the shades and glasses he wears, and I work around those to style an outfit that will compliment them. He'll give his input, but has never been unhappy with what I've picked out.

I stand mainly with the publicists and others who attend but keep to the background. The media are only ever interested in the stars, not the ones who work for them behind the scenes. I wouldn't like to be stood there with people screaming my name though, getting blinded from all angles by camera flashes.

As I stand and watch, I get the uneasy feeling that I have eyes on me, glancing over and seeing Chris with his mom and family, both glancing to me before they realise I know they're looking.

I choose to go inside and take my seat, everyone will be coming in soon anyway, and I need to find my seat.

"I don't like it". Robert says, coming over with his wife. "You made him hotter, I demand a refund". There's a tiny smirk as Susan rolls her eyes. "I thought he was going naked anyway?"

"You really want Evans to dominate the headlines that way?" I grin. "And you wouldn't get rid of me when you know full well how good you look".

He shifts and passes me a drink from the bar. "So...how'd you know him?"

I smirk. "He sent you to do some digging didn't he?"

"No..." Robert looks suspicious as hell and I immediately know that Chris has asked for him to find out what he can.

I sigh. "Well tell him don't worry, I feel like an idiot about what I said earlier but then again not surprised by his reaction".

"I won't tell if you won't".

"But you will, because you love the guy", I now point out. "Anyway I'm gonna get inside and take my seat, let me know if your trousers split or some shit like that".

He grins. "Then I'll tell everyone you sabotaged my outfit".

"Go ahead, I'll stick you in a clown suit for the next premiere". I threaten which shuts him up immediately, then I make for the room where the screening is taking place, seeing those who have been invited already trying to find their seats.

"Liliana Pierson". I tell the attendant my name and they show me to where I'll be sat. Thankfully an end of aisle seat. I always request one purely because sitting in places like this make me feel uneasy - which is stupid considering I get to attend these things as part of the job.

I toy with my hands in my lap, check my emails before I'll have to turn my phone off and then realise someone wants to get by. "Sorry! Excuse us". They apologise, and I look up to see the whole Evans clan wanting to come sit down, Chris's mom being the one who spoke.

"Oh, not a problem" I smile and get up to let them in, before sitting back down.

She's sat next to me. Scott the other side of his mother and out of the corner of my eye I see him move in and tell her something.

Where was I? Ah yes, replying to an email...

"You're Downey's stylist?" Lisa asks and I look up and nod, probably looking like a rabbit caught in headlights.

"Yep. That's me..."

She smiles and nods. "Thanks for helping Chris out earlier, you really put his mind at rest. He was freaking out a little beforehand".

I nod again like some kind of puppet that knows no other movement than that. "It's fine. Happy to help when there's an emergency".

"He said that you knew him? I can tell you're from Boston". She now says. "He feels bad because he's been trying to think of where he knows you from".

I really cannot lie to this woman. The moment they get home she'll probably be cracking the yearbooks out trying to pinpoint me.

I have to admit defeat of being the mysterious one. I don't even know why I didn't just tell him in the first place.

Because you were embarrassed, idiot. Let it go and tell her.

"We were classmates, sat next to him for a couple of them but that's it". I shrug.

She nods nods in understanding with a small smile. "Aaaaah, I see. He'll probably recognise you when I tell him, was it Lana?" now enquiring my name for confirmation.

"Liliana". I tell her. "Pierson". Just in case he wants every single detail going.

Lisa blinks for a moment. "Oh! Wait, your mom is Helen Pierson?"

Well this is a strange turn of events....

"Yeah? Why?"

"She recently took up a job doing admin at my theatre company, we've had coffee a few times".

This just gets better and better...

"I haven't spoken to her recently, but she did say she'd got a new job when we text last. I was going back to see her once I'd finished up doing this tour".

Immediately I hear Scott sing quietly, "It's a small world after all..." and bite my lip knowing he's going to probably be reporting back to his brother once this has ended. "What?" He shrugs as I guess that Lisa had nudged him to shut up.

Thankfully the film is now being introduced by the Russo's and we can say no more about it. I plan to escape back to the hotel and pack up before the last of the credits finishing rolling - I don't care about the cardinal sin of not staying for the scenes that come after it. I just know I'm going to be needing to avoid any further conversation about this with Chris or Lisa until I can get over my embarrassment. 

Easier said than done when I'm gonna be seeing him for the next couple of weeks or so. 

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