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"The fun brother has arrived! Not to mention the best one". Scott announces his arrival a few weeks later as I'm busy preparing their outfits for their appearance on Jimmy Fallon. Now both have invaded my hotel room and I know I won't be getting rid of them anytime soon. "Hiii!" He now hugs me, "you must be Lilana? Lili? Oh my god
I can't even say it right - Liliana". The younger Evans now gets flustered.

"Thaaaats the one". I smirk as I hug him back. "Good to see you again, even if the last time was very brief".

"Sorry, totally aware mom and I kept staring, but we were trying to figure out who you were". He grins as I note Chris watching our interaction out of the corner of my eye.

I brush it off and tell him that his brother was more the creeper than he or Lisa were, then moving onto the man in question and giving him a peck on the lips - purely because I don't want to eat his face in front of his brother. "Hey".

"Hey you". He doesn't give a shit and just full on kisses me. "Missed you".

"We literally FaceTimed yesterday". I remind him.

"Not the same as seeing you right here". He leans in and tells me, then giving me another kiss.

Scott points to the door. "Should I leave? Or..."

"Nope". I now pull myself from his brother and get down to business. "You need to try on shit for me, and so do you". I tell them both, now passing their clothes to them so as I can get a clear idea of what to change if needed.

I leave them both to get changed for a few minutes and step out into the hotel hallway. The pair are sharing a room, so unless Chris stays with me (which I doubt it), he's just going to have to wait until we're back in Boston to have any fun.

Going back in, they're checking themselves out in the mirror. "Well don't you two scrub up well?"

"Of course we do, we've got nothing else going for us". Chris snorts as I quickly check that everything is fitting and not looking ridiculous. His look is more casual than Scott's but his brother had requested for me to make him look smart.

"Everything fitting?" I ask, moving onto Scott, "I'm not feeling you up by the way, I need to make sure these jeans fit properly". I say, checking the waistband.

He grins. "Feel away, I'm immune", now turning back to the mirror. "You wanna hang with us tonight?"

"Hey, what did I tell you about pouncing on my girlfriend?" Chris now scolds lightly, and I feel my heart flutter at what he's just said. To be honest I didn't even know what to class us as, but now this confirms it - and it seems it's just got him too as he looks a little embarrassed now our eyes meet. "I mean...you kinda are..."

I smirk. "I should hope so, all those pens would be for nothing otherwise".

"Pens?" Scott questions.

"Your brother owes me pens because he never gave back the ones he borrowed to me in school. So now I'm gifted one every time I see him". I explain.

"Dumbass" Scott fires to Chris, "why'd you never give them back?"

"Because I was an asshole ok?" The older sibling rolls his eyes. "Anyway can we talk about something else".

I look at them both, "you can get changed again now, try not to kill one another while I'm waiting outside".

"You're still gonna come hang out tonight though right?" Scott asks,

"If you both behave". I warn and head out the door.


The interview isn't airing until thanksgiving, and soon enough I find myself travelling back to Boston to stay with Chris for Halloween before I move on to stay with my parents. I haven't dared tell them about what has been going on as I know mom will start planning a wedding and knitting baby booties. Her dream of me finally being married and settled coming true in her eyes.

Dodger has been staying with Lisa so we have the house to ourselves for a few hours once we arrive.

And there is a lot that we're able to get done in that time, most of it involving the shower...

"It's nice to not have to worry about what plane I need to catch and at what time to be awake for it". I state as we spend the rest of the afternoon in bed.

He nuzzles me, lips trailing across my collarbone. "It's nice to a actually have you to myself for once, no rushing or worrying who's gonna knock at the door..."

We then hear the doorbell.

"Aaaaand I spoke too soon". He groans and gets up, pulling on his clothes while I do the same, putting my damp hair into a high ponytail so as not to look as though I've been dragged through a hedge backwards. It's certainly how I feel, as well as feeling a little sore from getting a little carried away earlier.

"Hey Ma". I hear Chris now say as he opens the door, Dodger barking excitedly on seeing his owner again. He's alerted to me as I quietly come out and my cover is blown, Dodger now wanting fuss.

Lisa looks to Chris. "I didn't realise that you had company, otherwise I'd have brought him back tomorrow".

"It's fine". He brushes it off, "Lili's actually gonna be at Halloween with us all". Now slipping an arm around my waist once I'm finally able to join them.

Lisa sees this and then looks at us knowingly. "Well, we look forward to having you! I'm guessing your mom doesn't know you're back yet?"

"Not yet".

She taps her nose. "Secret's safe with me, anyway what's all this about you cracking Scott's head open when he was younger?" She raises a brow at her son.

We know full well Scott's gone and blabbed about what happened in the interview.

Chris visibly winces. "Why's he ratted me out!"

"Because he's an angel and you're the little devil of the pair of you - so you're not gonna come clean to me". Lisa states and gestures for us to follow her into the kitchen.

I learnt from that interview that Chris was and still is a bad influence on his brother, so this is a conversation I'm going to enjoy witnessing.

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