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"CHRIIIIIIIIIIIIS!" I yell loudly right as he comes out of the bathroom in his suite, causing him to groan and shake his head, the whole thing caught on video and read to be posted to Instagram.

Scott would be proud.

"That was a good one, well done".

The last week has flown by and now we're in London ahead of the premiere tomorrow - which is how he's spending his birthday. Promotion and premieres. Scott is currently here too, finishing up on the set of 'Barbie',  so we're meeting him and Steve later on in the evening to have dinner.

But right now? We have some rare time alone with Megan finally fucking off to her room after going through the schedule for tomorrow - and boy is it jammed. TV and magazine interviews in the morning, premiere in the afternoon, and then dinner in the evening. I know Chris isn't going to stick around to sit through the film again once he's done the Q&A panel, so I can expect him back earlier. He says he'll send a message when he leaves anyway - plus the hotel isn't far from Leicester Square.

I upload the video, tag him and throw him an evil look. "You didn't..." He now says and then hears the notification on his phone. "Wrong move Lilana..." his eyes pierce mine.

"What are you going to do about it?" I pout

"A lot of bad things that's for sure..." Before I know it he's got me, lips on mine and guiding me back until the back of my knees gently connect with the bed.

I'm more than ready for this kind of punishment.


Waking early the next morning, the room is still dark and the city fairly quiet - although with the time as it is, the bustle will start up soon enough for the morning's rush hour. Jet lag is kicking my ass and sometimes I wonder how I'm able to function.

Sex. And if it's not sex then it's coffee...

I know for sure that Chris is going to need coffee when he wakes up, but right now he's peacefully sleeping with one arm draped over me. I gently manoeuvre myself and turn so I can face him. Now watch him creepily but honestly? I can't help but look at him.

He stirs and pulls me closer, pressing a light kiss on my head. "Why the hell are you awake?" Now asking me groggily.

"Jet lag".

"Yep...same here..." He says, eyes still closed. "What's the time?"


He groans and snakes his other arm under me, so as he can hug me close to him. "Need more sleep".

"You have a TV appearance at 8.30 - you're gonna need to get up soon". I kiss him gently. "Oh, and happy birthday old man".

A small chuckle escapes him. "Thanks, is this my present? Dragging my ass outta bed early?"

"You need coffee and breakfast". I say, now feeling a little more human and getting up. The interview he's doing with Taika will be in one of the suites, so it's not like we have to get him to a studio or anything. I think he's pleased about that, plus it makes my life easier to dress him for later without having to be back and forth. "Oh and your present", now getting up and going to retrieve it from my case.

Amongst a few things that I got him, I'm getting my own back. I got him a pen, and when he opens this lastly he can't help but laugh. "This means I need to up my game - I already owe you a pen from LA".

"We can forfeit that one".

"Now I need to get one from here". He gives me a kiss. "Thanks, however just having you here is the only present I need".

I give him a small kiss on his cheek and then whisper into his ear. "Maybe after dinner you can unwrap me then?"

"Fuck yes". He growls softly and kisses me once again, then knowing that he really does need to get up so he can get ready.

"I'll be back in a while with outfit number one". I tell him, and go make for my room that's just across the hall. 

I am making this man look waaaaaaaay too fuckable for my liking - but I don't care, I don't have any ovaries left so I can do whatever the hell I like, but I'm proud of just what I've styled him in today. In fact it's one of my favourites so far.

"What do you think?" I ask as I take a step back to let him see what he looks like.

"I think you've knocked it out the park once again". He says, giving me a kiss on my head and then studying himself again. "Never thought that this kind of blue would be my colour".

I shrug and pass him a pair of sunglasses to put on to finally complete it. "Perfect".

"You certainly are". He now comes over and is just about to kiss me again when we hear Megan clear her throat to let us know she's here.

"Wow!" She smiles. "You scrub up well".

He smirks. "All thanks to Lili, is it time already?" He checks his watch.

"Pretty much, certainly flies when you're having fun..." She eyes us both knowingly but makes no comment about it. "You ready? Or are there any last minute adjustments?"

I shake my head. "He's all yours".

"Perfect, come on then birthday boy, let's get going". She says and respectfully looks away as Chris gives me a small kiss and says he'll message me on their way back, then following Megan out.

I never knew that waiting could be the most frustrating part until now. 

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