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It's been a few months since the call to Megan, during which time we've entered into a new year and now I have my old client back on my books.
Megan had apologised to me over the whole pap walk and privacy thing. I had some very strong choice of words to say to her which she gladly accepted, stating that it had never been her intention to offend me. Once that was under the carpet, we got down to the subject of Chris and I've agreed to take him as a client again.

Nothing more, nothing less.

We haven't had anything on the agenda for the first few months of the year, well, I have with other clients but now the time has come around for the first event I'll be styling him for.

The MTV Movie & TV Awards.

As he'll only be presenting, I've kept the outfit smart/casual compared to what I would style for premieres etc.

And so here we are, back in another hotel in California while I spend my time uploading some pictures to Instagram, then seeing that Chris has liked them.

He's near. I can just sense it.

Calm down Mystic Meg. My mind tells me, he won't bother to come and see you anyway - you've already stated he doesn't need to try on the outfit beforehand.

I accept that I won't see him until late morning tomorrow, and settle down for the rest of the evening to chill and order room service. I haven't eaten since this morning other than just a couple of snacks and now my stomach's complaining to me.

Pizza it is.

It's not long before there's a knock and I head to the door and open it, expecting to see one of the hotel staff with my dinner, but instead?


"Hey Lili..."

He's changed since I last saw him, his beard now showing some flecks of grey which only add to how fine he's matured with age.

"Hi..." I finally manage to find some words after we just stand there staring intensely at one another, really not expecting to see him tonight.

The tension is still there...

"Sorry, I didn't wanna interrupt your evening, but I needed to come see you". He explains

I shake my head. "It's fine, I was just waiting for dinner. Did you wanna come in?"

"I shouldn't, anyway you look good, not that you didn't before..."

Yeah but I don't feel it.

"You do too". I tell him because it's the truth.

"So, I'll see you in the morning, I should go get settled".

I nod quickly. "Yeah, of course - it's good to see you again".

It's now his turn to nod and as he goes to walk away he pauses. "Thanks for doing this..." he says gently and before I can answer he's already halfway down the hall.


I don't really get much sleep and spend most of the night tossing and turning before finally giving in and getting up at 5am.

I get ready, have a cup of coffee and by 9am I've had breakfast and am steaming Chris's trousers to get one stubborn crease from them.

Finally at 11am I make my way to his room and security let me in. Thankfully Megan is nowhere in sight and after Chris tells security to wait outside, we're alone.

Instantly, I can tell he's not having a great day anxiety wise. It's clear on his face.

"You ok?" I ask as he's practically fidgeting.

"Just a bit 'not ok'" he admits, "pressure of presenting and stuff, haven't done this in a while".

I go and pour him some juice that's out and pass it to him. "Drink this and then go and get changed, you might feel better".

"Thanks". He says and drinks it, then taking the clothes and going to change into them while I wait and look around the room, beginning to wonder what could have been had we have not ended like we did.

Would we have even lasted?

Chris now comes out, and I note he still has his hat on. "Ok, that needs to come off". I point to it and tell him.

"Think I could keep it on just for this?" He asks.

I bite the inside of my cheek and sigh. "I mean, it's an awards ceremony but..."

"Fine" he says going to take it off. It seems as though it's a kind of comfort for him to have it today, to hide him in some ways.

"If you had let me finish then I'd have said yes if it really means that much". I now say, trying not to get too annoyed, "you'll fight for your hat but back when things were ending you didn't fight for me". Now shaking my head to myself and putting some things away

"I'm fighting for you now!" He runs a hand down his face in frustration. "Wait here..."

"Why?" I ask, already feeling a little defeated by the conversation.

"Just wait, please?" He sighs and goes into the adjourning room, returning with a wash bag and emptying out a shit load of pens onto the bed.

"Every event, every photoshoot, every damn thing you would've styled me for? I saved one, because I would've given them to you had you have been there".

I look a little stumped at the different pens. "You can't be serious".

"This is me being serious". He looks at me, "Lilana. I'm sorry about what happened with Megan and everything, and I'm even more sorry about how I handled it, but I did stick up for you, I just wished you'd have been around to see it".

I swallow. "So why didn't you tell me then?"

"Because I could see when we were working on the press tour that you had your mind made up. So I respected your decision - but now I wish I hadn't".

The silence hangs over us like a dark cloud.

"Megan said you told her you only wanted me for this - no one else". I now say., need to get straight to the point.

"It's true. I only wanted you and still do. No one else". He confirms.

The chokehold this man has on me...

"Are we still talking about fashion styling?"

He shakes his head with a small smile. "Not just that", now coming over to me, his body almost touching mine. "I'm sorry, for being an ass and for everything - I know it's overdue, and you don't have to forgive me, but I'd at least like us to be friends again?"

"After what you just said? I know you want more than that".

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't".

We're interrupted by security and Megan now coming into the room and the conversation comes to an end...

For now.

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