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"Check you out, world's sexiest man". I smirk as Chris takes a break from the photoshoot I'm styling him for. "And obviously the world's sexiest daddy". I then whisper to him as he throws me a lopsided grin.

"Let's face it, you're dressing me like this just for your benefit".

"That and all the other horny women out there".

I'm not lying. We're in Atlanta where he's still filming, but has taken some time out to do this. The readers of People magazine have certainly spoken with this one. In my eyes though, he doesn't need any award to tell me how sexy he is. I love him regardless.

"Are you alright? Do you need to sit down or anything?" He asks me, seeing me rushing about to get the bits for his next outfit. Ever since we found out about the baby he's not allowed me to lift a finger, but even now just weeks later he has no need to be worried. I'm not even showing yet so it's easy to get away with at the moment.

"I'm fine, honestly". I smile, "stop worrying so much, you'll go grey even more".

"Honestly it's enough to make me. I just don't want you over doing things". He replies, placing a hand on my stomach and caressing it slightly. Other than feeling tired and mainly starting to want cereal or a milkshake, I haven't had anything major like sickness.

I sigh with a smile, "I'm not overdoing anything, I promise". Then giving him a reassuring kiss, "come on, stop worrying. If there's anything I need or something that doesn't feel right then I'll tell you". Running my hand across his bearded cheek, he turns his head to kiss my hand.

We still haven't told anyone yet, not even Lisa which surprised me as I thought Chris would be on the phone as soon as we'd finally cleared our heads. But he's said he wants it to be a secret until we're clear of the first 12 weeks - which is fine by me. I really don't want to tempt fate as bad as that sounds. But we don't want to take any chances.

"Sorry, I know I'm being overbearing". He apologies.

"You're not". I assure him. "You're just anxious. I am too - it's what most people feel like in this situation".

"I now but I shouldn't be breathing down your neck". He then shakes his head to himself. "I didn't think I'd be like this but here we are".

I now grab his face and kiss him to shut him up. "I would rather you be that way than not care at all". I tell him. "Now shut up and stop worrying about me, we're doing this together and before we know it? It won't just be us anymore - let's enjoy the calm while we have a chance". I smirk.

He knows I'm right and says no more about it, breaking for lunch before we get back into it. Given than my hormones are up the damn wall right now, I'm doing well to compose myself of the horny urges I'm having every now and then, especially as I look at the pictures they've taken. It's the tattoos peeking out from under his shirt in one of them that gets me, and I quickly walk away and discreetly fan myself.

The rest of the afternoon breezes by and once we're all done we make our way back to the hotel, both of us relaxing once we're alone in our own little bubble again. The tiredness hits me a little and Chris can see that. "Why don't you take a nap? You want a drink or anything?"

"I just want to lie down and cuddle you for the rest of the evening". I tell him, lying down as he comes to relax next to me on the bed. I sink into his arms while he plays with my hair and slowly drift off to sleep, reminding him not to let me nap for too long as I'll end up being awake for most of the night.


I wake a couple of hours later, seeing the room is dim but there's light coming from a couple of candles on the table, Chris busy by it and putting some rose petals down on there before he spots me. "Ah, you're awake, I got us room service".

I smile sleepily as I get up and come over. "What's all this?"

"Thought I'd surprise you". He says as he kisses my hair. "Plus you've been busy lately and I figured that with everything? You deserved it".

My hormonal ass wants to cry right now, purely because this is unexpected and romantic. He can see I'm trying not to and kisses me again. "Sorry" I apologise, "hormones, this is so sweet".

Room service arrives and we finally settle down to eat. "Lilana..." he begins and I look up from my plate to see that he's turned a little serious now.


"What is it?" I ask cautiously.

He now passes a box to me that's flat and long. I frown but open it all the same, seeing another declaration of love that is a pen in there - except this one is engraved.

Will you marry me?

I feel a little dizzy on reading the words, seeing he's now got up and next to me on one knee, this time with a different box that's open...

There's a lump in my throat as he looks up at me. "Think the pen says it all, but will you?"


And just like that I become a blubbering mess while he slips the ring onto my finger, and then gives my stomach a kiss before pressing one onto my lips.

It's how it was always meant to be, except life simply put us on different paths for a while before we found one another again.

And it all started with a boy who wanted to borrow a pen.

The End

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