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I can hear Chris on the phone to Lisa as I'm finishing getting ready for dinner tonight. We're only going down to the hotel's restaurant but I still like to make an effort even if we're going casual. We don't exactly want to draw attention.

I stop as I finish another coat of mascara and listen, hearing my name.

"I know, and that's why this time we're just going to go for it...well yeah, I'm serious about it and so is she". There's a pause before he sighs. "Because I love her and I messed up before - even you told me that".

Yep. She bloody knows alright.

He continues. "We're serious about that too, in fact...well we kinda want it to happen soon, especially at our age".

Oh boy, he really has told her absolutely everything...and it was this subject that made me wonder whether she agreed with our hasty decision.

"Yeah, we have..." he answers her question, probably something like 'have you even thought this all through?!'

At this point I make myself known, but pretend I haven't heard anything. He beckons me over and slips an arm around me, kissing my head. Once again he's back to casual mode, hat on so as he can feel some kind of security and hide beneath it. "You look amazing". He mouths to me while giving the occasional "mhmm" to Lisa. "Anyway Mom I need to go, we're meeting Scott and Steve soon and if we're late then he's gonna rib us...I know, I will...love you too. See you when I'm home". He tells her and then hangs up, taking my face in his hands and dropping a deep kiss onto my lips.

"Is your mom ok?" I ask, knowing Lisa would've liked to have had her son home for his birthday.

"She's fine, just missing us all". He now says and looks me up and down. "I mean...we could always skip dinner..."

"And have have Scott cock block by banging the door down? You're getting your birthday sex later". I grin.

There's a cheeky glint in his eye. "Let's hope a present comes from it".

"If it's not coming from either of us then that's when we need to worry". I shoot him a look.

He laughs at this and then checks his phone. "Sooner we get down there, the sooner I can bring you back up here so I can unwrap my present".

At this point I'm all but willing to fake illness so as we can just stay in bed all evening, however I know Scott will just suggest we all have dinner in the room, so there's no escaping. We'll just have to be sexually frustrated for the next couple of hours.


"So when you guys get married, can I officiate your wedding?" Scott asks us over dinner, "I mean, I am the best brother in the world so choose your answer wisely".

I haven't even got the ring on my finger yet and already he's talking about weddings. That's not the first priority though, as surprising as it will be to everyone as well as him. I'm pretty sure Lisa had the same reaction from what I heard of the conversation earlier. Even if it was only half of it.

"We've got another thing to do before we think about that". Chris admits as he jabs at his food, his free hand gently resting on my thigh under the table and now giving it a squeeze. "Although you're gonna think we're mad and probably stupid for it".

"C'moooon, tell us". Scott begs, looking intrigued.

Chris looks to me and I nod, letting him know it's ok. He looks across the table to his brother. "We actually want kids first...sooner rather than later".

Scott almost drops his fork and becomes flustered, "oh my god...wait, does mom know?!" Reaching for his drink and taking a swig.

"She knows, but Lili and I have waited long enough to settle down. And we want to with one another - we already missed one chance because of what happened, so we don't want to waste anymore time". He looks to me and smiles gently.

I love the way he talks about what we want, so much that I may become a puddle if it carries on. "Wait, oh my god I can't believe I'm asking this..." the younger Evans mutters to himself, "have you guys already started?"

"Yeah, but we know these things can take a while, so we're just enjoying it".

"I honestly don't even know what to say". Scott says, still a little shocked but accepting it anyway. "Wow!" It's still sinking in, clearly not something he expected us to come out with. "Well, all I can say is that I hope it happens soon, and that I'm going to be the favourite outta everyone".

I have no doubt about that.

We get back to our room later on and I flop onto the bed. Chris coming and lying beside me, then taking a selfie of us both to send to Lisa. "Well that went as well as it could've done".  I say, glancing up at him. "Did you really tell your mom about..."

"Yep". He replies. "she just wants us finally settled, said it's taken long enough".

Yeah, I guess we're both to blame for that.

"Well birthday boy, do you fancy unwrapping your present?" I ask, with him now pushing me onto my back and beginning to help undress me.

"You're damn right I do". He begins to kiss along my collarbone, then whispering the last words of the evening to me which sends exciting shivers across my body. "Let's get you full of me".

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