Chapter 1

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Scarlet's pov

'SCARLET GET DOWN NOW!' I hear my dad yell. I take a deep breath and walk down. i see the angry look on my father's face. 

'Yes?' I ask, still on the stairs.

'We're going on vacation, we'll have your things packed, now come to the airport' he says. I let out a sigh, happy that he isnt gonna beat me up. I grabbed my bag with my stuff in it and walked after my parents out of the house. Our car is already loaded and we step in. The driver takes us to the airport.

'Don't think you're safe princess' my dad says when we sit down in the private jet.

'Wha-what do you me-ean ?' I ask nervously.

'You think that now we're not home I can't beat you up, but just wait and see' he says and then turns around. I let a tear slip, but quickly wipe it away so he won't see it.

Whenever I cry, my dad thinks it's weak and beat me up even harder. I take out my phone and log into twitter. I love to just read tweets about my favourite boy band One Direction. Without them, I wouldn't be here. 

I read things about them being in London, just my luck. I have a lot of followers from The Netherlands. So I read a few tweets, but they're all the same.

@ScarletMontez;  On my way to London #excited.

I immediatly get tons of replies, all of them saying have fun. And only one says ;

@OneDirectionLoverrrr; @ScarletMontez I hope you'll meet One Direction ! They'll love you :D xxx

I smile and follow her. I once told in a tweet that I'm fan of One Direction.

'Where landing' the pilot announces.

We walk into the fresh air of London.

'Tonight we'll have dinner with the queen of England' my mum says to me.

'Okay, but I have no dress ?'

'You have, we got you one' I nod. We walk to anohter car that takes us to our hotel.

I look around when we're driving. London looks beautiful. I wish I could live here. I open a new tweet again.

@ScarletMontez; London is so beautiful. And, aparently gonna meet the Queen tonight. #Nervous ! 

I always tweet. I love to talk to people. I see that we reached the hotel.  We get out of the car and my dad checks us in. 

'Mum, why do you never stop dad?' I ask her.

'Because I know you're strong and he'll kill me' she says. Off course, always thinking about herself. I nod. My dad comes back with two keys.

'One for you, and one for us' he hands me one key. We get up to our rooms.

'I'll get you in a few' my dad says. I nod and quickly walk in. I need to get ready really fast. I put on my dress and my heels. I do my hair like my dad wants me to have my hair.

Maybe you wanna know some more about me. Well here it goes.

My parents are the King and Queen from The Netherlands. I was born 19 years ago. Since the age of 7, my dad started beating me up. When I turned 12, he started sexual abusing me. Sometimes he'll rape me or just touch me. I can't do anything about it. 

I tried to kill me a few times, but whenever I almost did it, a song of One Direction came on or an image of them came in my mind and then I stopped. I have a lot of scars. That's why my name is Scarlet. Before my 7th, I used to be called Mona. But then I got scars and my parents changed my name into Scarlet. My dad always calls me Scar, saying to others that its just easier. But I know why he does it.

My mum never tried to stop him. She's scared he'll turn to her when she helps me.

I don't really have friends, my dad won't allow me to go out, scared that I'll tell someone. How messed up is my life ?

Someone knocks on my door and I open it. It's my dad. He slaps me in the face.

'Do your make-up better, you look awefull' I nod slowly, still feeling my cheek hurting. I did my make-up and my dad just watched me. When I'm done and I turn around, I regret it. My dad slids something on my arm and it hurts like hell. When I look at my arm, I see blood. When I look up again, he slaps my cheek again and then punches me in my stomach. I almost fall down.

'I see you down in the hall in a few' my dad says before kicking one last time in my stomach. It hurts so much. When I hear to door close, I burst out in tears. This is it, I'm not gonna stick around anymore. I grab a back and put my phone, some money, my passpoort and some other things in it. I walk out of the room and to the stairs, not gonna risk being in the lift with my parents or other people I know. I get down and I open the door, only looking out. I see my parents nowhere, so I run out. I am so happy I learned to run on heels. I run trough the streets like I've never ran before.

An hour later or so, I run in the woods. I stop running, knowing I'm far enough. My stomach and arm hurts so badly. It's dark so I can't see really well. I run again, wanting to get away more. But then I fall over something. I fall down on the ground and feel myself drift to the darkness. 


Hellloo :D Vic came with this idea and I love it ! I hope you guys do to. The outfit of Scarlet is on the side :) Have fun writing chapter 2 Vic ;) xxx ~Pascalle <3

Scars  {A One Direction FanFic} {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now